My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1032 Lord Lord Makes His Grand Debut

Chapter 1032 Lord Lord Makes His Grand Debut
The faces of the three brothers of the Long family instantly showed panic and exaggerated expressions.

"My lord, please calm down. The three of us went to Zhaixing Tower last night to prevent the world from becoming suspicious!"

"That's right, we washed our tears with fish yesterday, we don't know what to eat!"

"I don't know the taste of the food, but I still cry when I say it's delicious!"

Quan Moying roared again, squeezed out a formula in his hand, and streaks of icy blue light swept out from his palm, hitting the three timid guards mercilessly, causing the three of them to hug their headaches Huh, while begging for mercy:
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"My lord, please spare me, we will never dare again!"

"My lord, we can only come to rescue you when we are full, so that we can die bravely!"

"You three cheap dogs, this deity needs to change! This deity needs to change guards!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

One master and three servants fought and killed in the Netherworld like this, shrinking to an inch, and soon came to the Star Picking Tower.

The four masters and servants who were chasing and beating in the air a moment ago, their entire aura changed instantly after they came to the sky above the Star Picking Tower.

Quan Moying immediately became an aristocratic king who dominates the world and has an extraordinary bearing.

And the three guards of the Long family who had been beaten until their buttocks were set on fire, now followed behind their lord with a face like a dog.

What Quan Moying looks like is known to all the people in the Netherworld.

Seeing the arrival of the lord of the Nether Realm at this moment, all the subjects lined up to welcome him.

In their eyes, the lord is their god!
"It's Lord Lord!"

"The lord is coming to the Star Picking Tower!"

"The lord is really graceful, chic and suave!"

"Nonsense, the lord is the most beautiful man in our nether world!"

"I really want to marry the lord!"

"Hey, you still have a chance, but I'm a man."

Bathed in the worship and admiration of the masses, the shadow in Quan Moying's heart was gradually dispelled.

Or the Netherworld!

Or the soul of the nether world is pure and kind.

He will never go to the human world again.

It's a place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

The point is, there is a female devil that he can't handle.

"My lord, welcome to our Star Picking Building, please come inside."

Quan Moying nodded slightly, and under the leadership of the boss of the Zhaixing Building, he slowly stepped into the Zhaixing Building amidst the much-anticipated worship.

"My lord, I heard that you like to eat fish very much. Our Zhaixing Building specializes in making fish, so that the lord can come to our small shop in his spare time, so that the small ones can often admire the demeanor of the lord. Here is Let's take a look at the menu, what kind of fish do you want to eat?"

Quan Moying took the menu, smelled the aroma of the noodles on the other table, and began to salivate rapidly.

"I like to eat all kinds of fish, and I am not picky. Boss, serve me the best fish in your store." After taking a look at the three idiots who were so greedy that they were about to fall off, Quan Moying said: " Give the deity four ways!"

"Come on! My lord, please wait for a moment, because I don't know that my lord will come, so all the fish on the steamer have been reserved by other guests at the table, so it will take about an hour before my lord's turn. .”

"The fish on our table are willing to give up to the lord."

"So are we."

"So are we!"

Almost as soon as the boss finished speaking, everyone had already given up their fish.

(End of this chapter)

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