Chapter 1033 Called

The corner of Quan Moying's lips raised a signature smile that was so fascinating that people would not pay for their lives, and said to everyone: "Thank you all for your kindness, I appreciate it. I have nothing else to do when I come out to eat fish today. I am here It's late, so I should naturally wait behind you, and you don't need to give up your fish to this deity."

"The lord is really a great leader!"

"Yes! With his honorable status, he can clearly eat fish ahead of us."

"This is the greatness that can only be glimpsed in the ordinary."

"The reason why our order in the Netherworld is so good, and the reason why we can become an existence that makes the world fear, is precisely because we have such a powerful but low-key, great but approachable leader as Lord Lord!"


Quan Moying enjoyed listening to the people's compliments to him, with a just-right smile on his lips, graceful rather than elegant, magnanimous rather than majestic.

The three Long family brothers on the side twitched their lips fiercely.

Only they know that the lord intends to let them leave after eating the fish, and he intends to eat all the fish in the shop for the rest.

The boss went down to Zhang Luoyu himself, while Quan Moying sat at the dining table with three subordinates waiting for food.

The tables next to him were already served with fish, and Quan Moying couldn't help but want to swallow his saliva when he smelled the scent that hit his face.But in order to maintain the majesty of the lord of the Netherworld, he dared not swallow it.He could only wrap up the saliva that kept pouring into his mouth, and he took a mouthful of saliva in a short while...

I couldn't help but glanced at the fish on the table next to me.

After the fat fish is steamed, it is sprinkled with various seasonings.Smelling the smell of all kinds of fish, a wisp of saliva overflowed from his mouth, so scared that Quan Moying hurriedly picked up the cup and pretended to take a sip of water, and then swallowed the saliva in his mouth legitimately.

During the waiting process, Quan Moying was very good at maintaining the demeanor of a king.

The people outside heard that the lord eats fish here, and more and more people came to watch outside the store.Quan Moying intentionally or unintentionally took a seat by the window, which happened to be convenient for the common people to pay their respects.

Hearing the screams of women in the crowd from time to time, Quan Moying felt relieved physically and mentally.He felt that yesterday he must have had a nightmare that did not exist.

After waiting for an hour, the outside of the restaurant was completely surrounded.

It has to be said that Quan Moying's status in the Netherworld is quite high, and he is also very popular with the people of the Netherworld.Even after sitting here for so long, no one threw rotten eggs at him or anything.

Finally, the fish was served.

Seeing the large fish weighing at least 8 kilograms on the table, the eyes of Quan Moying and the three brothers from the Long family lit up.

"My lord, this is the fish that the villain entrusted those phantoms and phantom beasts to catch from people. They are all fresh, and they have been dead for less than two days."

Quan Moying gave the boss a thumbs up very appreciatively: "You are indeed very good at Zhaixinglou. You have learned to integrate the things of the human world and the nether world. It not only allowed us to eat delicious fish, but also did not make everyone relapse. .very good!"

The boss smiled and said: "Thank you, Lord Lord, for your appreciation. The fish we choose are the largest in the human world. They are about to open their spiritual wisdom but have not yet been opened. We guarantee that each one will be big and fat. The small ones have been heard that humans eat them. Fish, always like to eat small fish, especially those small yellow croakers that are as big as palms!"

(End of this chapter)

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