Chapter 1052

"Qianqiu is a heavy responsibility, and it is also my trust in you. Qianqiu, please accept it."

Gu Qianchou no longer refused, and stretched out his hands to take what he had been begging for for a long time, but could not get it all the time.

I have wanted military power for a long time.Once upon a time, he felt that he could not get it anymore, so he could only resort to assassination.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected marriage made him meet Xiao'er, which easily resolved his predicament.Not only let him get rid of the pain, but even helped him to calculate the military power step by step.

80 soldiers, this is something he didn't dare to think about before, but Xiao'er helped him do it easily.

Seeing Gu Qianchou accepting the soldier talisman, the common people burst into deafening cheers.

After the fall of Emperor Yuchi, although the new emperor took office immediately, the civil wars have not stopped for many years.

Some forces wanted to take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie, so they confronted the court regardless of the lives and sufferings of the people.

In addition, Emperor Yuchi's old subordinates would make troubles from time to time. Although they would never hurt the people of Xizhou, they lived a very uneasy life.

People's thinking is actually very simple.

They don't have too high a belief, and they don't have too much attachment. No matter who is the emperor, as long as they can live a life of food and clothing for people without spiritual power, they will support them without worrying about their lives at any time.

Obviously, when Marshal Gu was in charge of the court, the law and order in Xizhou was indeed much better.

All the chaos happened after Marshal Gu resigned.

So now that Marshal Gu can return to the court, it is definitely a happy thing for the common people.

Therefore, the common people placed great hopes on Gu Qianchou's return.

"Today, besides I want to apologize to you, there is another person who must also apologize to you."

After all, Huangfu Gongchen winked at the crowd of officials, and Hua Yukun took off his shirt and walked out with his whole body tied up.

Gu Qianchou raised his eyebrows slightly, seeing Hua Yukuncai walking forward with a face, a hint of ridicule flashed in his heart.

It is a joy to see that the most favored minister of the emperor in the past has been reduced to such a field.

Hua Yukun walked up to Gu Qianchou, knelt down on both knees, and no longer had the usual pride of being superior, like a defeated rooster, apologized: "Marshal Gu, because your strength is stronger than mine, obviously I came to the court later than me, but received more important attention, which made me feel very uncomfortable, so I tried my best to drive a wedge between you and the emperor, so that there was a gap between the two brothers who were originally brothers and sisters, which eventually led to You resign and leave.

After you left, all areas and cities in the interior of Xizhou fell into chaos.It was because of my jealousy that I recruited Meng Qisheng who didn't understand the art of war at all, and recommended him to be the Grand Marshal, but in order to defeat you, he was greedy for merit, and eventually caused the emperor to lose a full 10 troops...

My crimes are hard to write down, I thank the emperor for taking pity on me as a minister of the humerus, and I have repented, so I was not punished.But I did do something wrong.So today, I am pleading guilty in front of the people, please forgive me for everything I have done.From now on, I will never provoke the relationship between you and Dijun because of jealousy. "

The people suddenly realized that the loss of 10 troops was not the fault of the emperor, but the fault of Prime Minister Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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