My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1053 The Prime Minister in Distress

Chapter 1053 The Prime Minister in Distress

Before Hua Yukun hijacked Hua Lixiao and asked Huangfu Gongchen to make an oath of thunder calamity, neither punishing him nor belittling his official position.

Although Huangfu Gongchen was furious on the surface, he was actually extremely happy in his heart.

Therefore, Hua Yukun can be said to have equalized his merits and demerits.Although Huangfu Gongchen will not pamper him so much in the future, he is also the one who made the oath of thunder in front of Huangfu Gongchen, so he will still be reused.

But these are not things that Gu Qianchou is worried about.

In front of him, Hua Yukun has become a dead person without any hindrance.

"Prime Minister Hua, I can forgive you. But today you have to announce in front of civil and military officials and thousands of people that you and Xiaoer no longer have a father-daughter relationship. You made a mistake that day. In order to survive, you used Threatening Xiao'er's life and asking the emperor to make an oath not to punish you, this has already touched the bottom line of this commander.

Even though you had already made the Thunder Tribulation Oath that day, saying that you would sever the father-daughter relationship with Xiao'er, but the ministers and the common people didn't know about it.Now this commander has no extra thoughts about your despicable character. In order to prevent you from pretending to be my father-in-law in front of everyone and talking about things in the name of Xiaoer, this commander wants you to speak in front of everyone. Announce the fact that you and Xiao'er no longer have a father-daughter relationship. "

"It's really despicable. It means that he murdered 10 soldiers. Why didn't the emperor punish him for his crime, and ended up kidnapping his own daughter to blackmail the emperor."

"It's so shameless! Marshal Gu saved Dijun's life that day, and for Marshal Gu, Dijun had to surrender."

"This kind of person is not a stingy villain at all, but a traitor!"

"What can the rebellious officials and thieves do? He even asked the emperor to make a thunder disaster oath. No wonder the emperor didn't deal with him after returning to the palace."

This time the civil and military officials exploded.

Everyone thinks that Hua Yukun is a shameless old man who clearly made such a big mistake, but uses his daughter to threaten the emperor and Marshal Gu, so that he can continue to sit firmly as the prime minister.

If he wasn't so cheap, the position of prime minister might have fallen on their heads now.

Even if they don't fall on their heads, there is one less prime minister, and a new prime minister is replaced, the position of the substitute will always be vacated, right?

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Hua Yukun with unkind eyes.

Hua Yukun was almost killed by Gu Qianchou's words.

He didn't expect that he had already made the oath of thunder and robbery, but Gu Qianchou still insisted on biting him.

But now, Gu Qianchou's position in the emperor's heart seems to be much more important than his. Facing this ending that he personally made but had to make, Hua Yukun could only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood.

Admit it.

"Marshal Gu, I am not a person who dare not take responsibility. After what happened that day, I also know that I am not worthy of being Xiao'er's father anymore. You should also look down on me as a father-in-law.

That day, coercing Xiao'er to let the emperor make the oath of thunder disaster was really because he knew that the crime was serious and he could not escape the blame for ten thousand deaths, so he had to do it as a last resort.But Xiaoer is my daughter, how can I really be willing to hurt her?
Hey, but it's useless to say anything now.Since Marshal Gu asked me to sever the father-daughter relationship with Xiaoer in front of civil and military officials and the common people, then so be it. "

(End of this chapter)

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