My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1054 Ignore Her

Chapter 1054 Ignore Her
"I, Hua Yukun, hereby announce to everyone that I will sever the father-daughter relationship with Hua Lixiao, the daughter of Huafu's prostitute."

"From now on, you will become a stranger, and you will never use the name of Hua Lixiao to come to this commander to ask for anything, and you will not try to achieve any of your goals through public criticism."

Hua Yukun: "..."

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yukun said these words in front of everyone with an ugly expression.

Although he didn't swear, but he originally thought that he could use the pressure of public opinion to oppress Gu Qianchou, but now he cut it off with a knife, and there is no way out.

"Qianqiu, since you have received the military talisman, I am afraid that the Gu Mansion in Leicheng will not be able to live anymore. I have already ordered someone to renovate your vacant Marshal's Mansion, and the area has also doubled in size compared to before. .

But don't worry, I won't doubt you like before, and put eyeliner in.So the house is empty, and you and Xiaomei have to find all the guards and maidservants by yourself. "

Now Gu Qianchou's life is involved with him, Gu Qianchou will be well only if he is well.

Huangfu Gongchen, who thought he had Gu Qianchou's life in his hands, would naturally not do such lowly things again.

Because Gu Qianchou is the most trustworthy person in this world to him.

He is more trustworthy than the women in his harem and the loyal courtiers in the court.

"Thank you, Dijun, Chen and Xiao'er will take care of this matter."

"Then... Xiao'er stays in Leicheng to clean up the aftermath, how about you accompany me back to the imperial capital first? I have something very important to discuss with you. Don't worry, Xiao'er will order someone to protect her safety."

Gu Qianchou wanted to say something else, but Hua Lixiao said, "You go with him, I have nothing to do here anyway. I will go to the imperial capital after packing up my things. With so many people and officials watching, why don't you refuse him?" Great."

"Okay." Gu Qianchou nodded: "I still have a clone, so I will protect you in secret."


After discussing with Hua Lixiao, Gu Qianchou nodded: "Okay."

Huangfu Gongchen was very happy that Gu Qianchou gave him face in this way, so he left a general at the level of Lan Linghuang and a thousand black armored guards to protect Hua Lixiao.

Before leaving, Gu Qianchou told Cheng En to obey Hua Lixiao's command, and left with Huangfu Gongchen and all civil and military officials.

To be honest, after experiencing a grand performance outside, Hua Lixiao and Gu Qianchou really forgot about Hu Ziqi.

Now, one of them was in the light, and the other was in the dark. When they saw Hu Ziqi who was still crying in the flower hall, they felt dizzy for a moment.

"Madam, do you need your subordinates to drive her out?" Cheng En asked.

"No need, let her cry here if she likes to cry, just let everyone go down and pack up. Tell Rui'er, we are going to the imperial capital, let him pack up."


Hu Ziqi was unable to extricate herself from deep pain before, so she didn't pay attention to the outside situation.But now seeing Hua Liming came back, and said to inform Gu Rui to pack up and return to the imperial capital, he was shocked instantly.

Crawled up from the ground to Hua Lixiao's side.

"Ma'am, where is Qianchou? Where is Qianchou? How about letting my concubine see him?"

Seeing Hu Ziqi who was crawling over like a dog on the ground, Hua Lixiao dodged to avoid the clutches that she was trying to hug her ankle.

"Qianqiu has gone back with Dijun."

(End of this chapter)

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