My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1055 Three Green Teas

Chapter 1055 Two Green Teas
"Qianqiu left? Is the concubine going back with his wife?"

Hua Dawn hehe.

"Hu Ziqi, don't pretend to be stupid here. Didn't you hear what Qianchou said before? He said, you have crossed the border again, so from now on, don't even think about stepping into Gu's house." What, you forgot within an hour?"

"No! Qianqiu wouldn't treat me like this. I am Rui'er's mother, and Rui'er is still young, so he still needs me!"

"Come on, don't think I don't know that you go to Rui'er's yard to see him every day, just to inquire about Qianqiu and the whole Gu family. Don't be too disgusting, and don't use your own children as excuses. Excuse."

"But I'm Rui'er's mother, if you don't let me be with Rui'er, then give me my child back!" Hu Ziqi said to Hua Lixiao with a look of being greatly wronged.

"Hu Ziqi, are you right? You were no longer his mother when you pushed Rui'er out of the flying beast car and tried to kill him.

Today, Rui'er has only one father and no mother.But Rui'er's father said that as a price for overstepping, you will not be allowed to enter Gu's mansion again, so I will not take you back.Even if his father agrees to take you back, I won't go with you for such a disgusting woman.

If you think his father wanted you and allowed you to enter Gu's mansion, then just wait here and wait for him to pick you up! "

Although Hua Lixiao admits that she is a good person, she has not yet reached the point of becoming a bad person.

So when facing Hu Ziqi who disgusted her, Huahua didn't give her even the slightest bit of face.

Hu Ziqi's complexion was pale.

She knew that now she had nothing to rely on except Gu Rui.

If Hua Lixiao took Gu Rui back, Gu Qianchou would never send someone to take her back alone.

And Gu Qianchou has always kept his word, and when she finally returns to the imperial capital, the gate of the Marshal's Mansion will be closed forever for her.

So this is her only and last chance.

However, Hua Lixiao's attitude is so firm.

She can't scold or beat her up, and the other party doesn't have anything to hold in her hands, what should she do?
"The concubine of the Huafu is really unreasonable. You have already used your charming tricks to get Brother Gu to recognize you, so why bother with a woman who is powerless?

It's just for you to take her back and give her a chance. As the wife of the Gu family, it's a matter of little effort, but you make such a difficult thing for a weak woman, it's really embarrassing.You are so cold-blooded, does Brother Gu know? "

Just when Hu Ziqi didn't know what to do, a cold voice sounded from behind. Although she hadn't seen this woman a few times, her annoying voice reminded Hua Lixiao of her immediately. name--


The vice-master of the Soul Palace in Xizhou Continent.

The woman who had always loved Gu Qianchou but couldn't get her.

Turn around and look into the sky.

A graceful and graceful figure wrapped in a red dress danced lightly, and behind her were two female disciples from the Hall of Souls.At this moment, the three of them were looking at her aloofly, with an air of superiority.

"Bold, who is it? How dare you break into Marshal Gu's residence and disrespect Mrs. Gu!"

The officer left behind by Huangfu Gongchen flew up from the gate the moment he saw Hongyu, and stood between Hongyu and Hua Lixiao.

(End of this chapter)

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