Chapter 1056
And the two female disciples behind Hongyu, or should be said to be female guards, instantly transferred their spiritual power under the obstruction of the general.

The thick blue spiritual power on the two of them was no weaker than the blue spiritual power on the general.

"Don't be rude." Hongyu stopped the two guards, and after they had extinguished the spiritual power on their bodies, she said: "This general, this seat is Hongyu, the vice-master of the Soul Palace Xizhou Continent. He is a friend of your emperor and princess."

The general had also heard of Hongyu's name, and knew that this was the saint from the headquarters of the Soul Palace, so it made sense.

"It turned out to be Miss Hongyu. The humble surname is Xu, and the emperor just ordered a thousand black armored guards to protect Mrs. Gu's safety. Before leaving, Marshal Gu also gave Madam the right to handle all matters of the Gu family, so Mrs. Gu has the right to deal with anyone and anything in the Gu family. I also hope that Miss Hongyu will not get involved too much."

This general is also responsible. He was originally sent to protect her, but now he even helps her take care of these trivial matters.

From the general's attitude, it can be seen that Huangfu Gongchen really and completely believed in Gu Qianchou, and also completely gave up his attempt on her.

This is a good thing.

"General Xu, you may not know that this seat is Brother Gu's best friend, so I know something about his family. Although this woman made a mistake, she is the mother of Brother Gu's son after all. The matter is so complicated that General Xu, as an outsider, may not be very clear about it. Don't worry, General Xu, I will never do anything to Madam Gu, I just want to comfort Madam Gu with a few words."


Xu Shenjiang glanced at Hua Lixiao, and asked Hua Lixiao for instructions with his eyes.

Hua Lixiao just sighed alone: ​​"My Qianqiu is not a bad person, but why does he always provoke women like flies?"

Secretly, when a certain person's avatar heard the words "My family's thousand vengeance", its whole body shook, and instantly felt that the pores of its whole body were opened.

Sounds good!

"Hua Lixiao, who do you say is a woman like a fly?" Hongyu asked angrily.

"It's those people who have no status, want status, but can't get it, so they can only pretend to be innocent and righteous, and always blame others from a moral standpoint, but in fact they have vicious thoughts. !"

So poisonous!

Xu Shen on the side twitched his mouth and stood aside tactfully.

He just needs to be sure to do it when the two women make a move.Although the strength of the opponent is higher than him, but a mere Soul Palace still dare not go against the forces of the Xizhou Emperor Palace.So after the other party reported his family name, he didn't worry about Hua Liming and his own safety at all.

"You—" Hongyu had never been insulted like this before, and she exploded instantly at Hua Lixiao's words.

"Hua Lixiao, don't go too far!"

Seeing someone's pretty face flushed under the veil, Hua Liming sneered boredly, with a surprised expression.

"Hey, Mrs. Ben is scolding those fly girls who show their faces, such as Hu Ziqi. Why is Miss Hongyu suddenly angry? Could it be that you put yourself in Hu Ziqi's rank?"

(Double 11, sisters, chop your hands, spend your money, and be beautiful! Building buildings, the 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, and 22nd floors are winning readers, disciples and above are valid, repeated building buildings are invalid. Wish Happy holidays, everyone!)
(End of this chapter)

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