Chapter 1057 Waste
"Tsk tsk, I've seen Miss Hongyu three times, and every time you showed the appearance of 'we are good friends' in front of my family's Qianchou, I didn't expect that you would be like Hu Ziqi secretly, and you would also like to miss my family's Qianqiu. Revenge. Miss Hongyu is pure and clean, and she is the vice-master of the Soul Palace, isn't she afraid that she will come to my house and become a mere concubine, and that she will live a very worrying life when I trample under her feet?"

Hongyu's face turned blue and white with anger, but she couldn't speak a word.

In this world, apart from the master of the main hall of the soul hall and that mysterious master, no one else can talk to her like this.

Hongyu was trembling with anger, but in front of General Xu, she couldn't use force against Hua Lixiao.

But she appeared here, and she didn't come to use force against Hua Lixiao at this time.

"The concubine of the Hua family really deserves to be a famous lady. In terms of eloquence, I am ashamed of myself. I passed by here today, and I heard that the emperor traveled thousands of miles with civil and military officials to apologize to Brother Gu, so I came here. Unfortunately, I happened to see the unknown, hideous and ugly side of the daughter of the Hua family's prostitute.

That's enough, I'm not a troublesome person, since you don't want to see me, Miss Hua, I don't want to waste my time with you here anymore.leave. "

Hua Lixiao was taken aback, thinking that it was raining red today.

This Hongyu looked like a ruthless character who was not easy to dismiss. Even if she couldn't kill herself here, she was definitely not someone who could be dismissed with just a few words like this.

Unexpectedly, she was scolded by herself, and scolded so badly, that she was about to leave.

Just thinking it was strange, Cheng En rushed in with a look of panic.

"Not good ma'am."

When seeing Hongyu, Cheng En's expression paused slightly, not knowing whether to say or not.

"what happened?"

Although she didn't know what happened, Hua Lixiao felt that it might have something to do with Hongyu's arrival.

However, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil, and she already got what Xiao Tian'er refined for her, not to mention that Gu Qianchou was behind her to protect her, even without him, she would not be afraid.

"Hu Ziqi...she...she took Rui'er hostage!"


Although this matter was indeed related to Hongyu distracting her attention, Hua Lixiao still didn't expect that Hu Ziqi was so cheap.

When he was in a good mood, he came to find a man under the name of his son.In a bad mood, he threatened others with his son's life.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

This woman is simply inferior to a beast!
Hua Lixiao didn't bother to care about Hongyu anymore, and followed Cheng En to Gu Rui's courtyard.

Outside Gu Rui's courtyard, several guards looked at Hua Liming tremblingly.

Hua Lixiao also looked at them, only uttered two words coldly - "Trash!"

To be honest, whether it was Cheng En or Cheng De, or the subordinates they found, Hua Lixiao felt that they were scumbags.

Although Chengen Chengde is loyal, the brains of the two of them are really hard to use.It can be said that apart from being loyal, they could do nothing but stay by Gu Qianchou's side except to serve as his helpers.

And their men...

She can only say that there are such subordinates as there are leaders.

All in all, very reliable.

Fortunately, she knew that these people were not really trustworthy people around Gu Qianchou, otherwise she would really persuade him: wash up and sleep!

The guards who were scolded by Hua Lixiao looked ugly, but Cheng En was the one who looked ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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