Chapter 1063
In order to embarrass her, he even gave up his life!

Hua Lixiao admired Hongyu's unsightly feeling as if she had eaten a catty of shit at the moment, and said sarcastically, "Hey, why is Miss Hongyu's face so ugly? Is it because I mean what's on your mind?"

Ruby: "...!!"

"Do you want me to tell you one more thing on your mind?"


Hongyu didn't realize that she still had something on her mind that could be told by this hateful and damned woman, so she heard Hua Lixiao start to swear again——

"I, Hua Lixiao, swear by Lei Jie. If Hu Ziqi hadn't been instigated by Hongyu, and if the seventh-grade spiritual weapon in Hu Ziqi's hand hadn't been given to her by Hongyu, I, Hua Lixiao, would rather be killed by Lei Jie instead of Hongyu." die."


There was another gasping sound.


There was thunder, but the sky was still bright and sunny.

Ruby: "...!!!"

Now, the whole audience is completely boiling.

"Fuck! It's so cheap!"

"This is no longer called cheap! She has sublimated the word 'cheap' to a whole new level."

"Hmph, pretending to be innocent in front of Marshal Gu, but behind Marshal Gu's back, he used Ziqi to hijack his son and use his son to persecute Mrs. Gu. But she is talking big things here. Damn, this woman is simply Absolutely!"

"When the time comes, she will kill Hu Ziqi and Mrs. Gu will die, so she can be with Marshal Gu."

"Ah bah! Do you think Marshal Gu is blind? Even if all the women in the world are dead, he wouldn't fall in love with such a guy, would he?"

"Hua, Fu, Xiao!!!"

Listening to Heijiawei's denunciation, Hongyu knew that her reputation had been ruined by Hua Lixiao.

She also knew that if she stayed any longer at this moment, she would not only humiliate herself, but also make things more complicated.

Moreover, her main event is not here at all.

With a cold snort, Hongyu flew away.

Two of her bodyguards also left with her.

Hu Ziqi was left alone, looking at Hua Liming with a gloomy face.

The development of the matter was so unexpected that before she could even say a word, Hongyu left.

"Your behind-the-scenes mastermind has left, do you still want to sing a one-man show here? Put down the dagger in your hand, and never have any contact with each other from now on. I can still spare your life because you are the wife of a thousand enemies. Otherwise , you know the result."

Seeing the corners of Hua Lixiao's lips twitching slightly, with a look of hesitation, Hu Ziqi went crazy.

"What's behind the scenes? Don't you think I don't know what this woman is thinking? Hua Liming, I owe it to you step by step from the pinnacle of my life to where I am today. What qualifications do you have to pretend to be a saint here? ?You're just like me, only a bitch!"

Hu Ziqi's words made Gu Qianchou's brows furrow uncontrollably, and the murderous intent that had gathered in the depths of his eyes grew deeper and deeper.

"Hu Ziqi, you should still speak the basic principles in life. From the first day I married into the Marshal's Mansion, you ordered people to poison all the food and tea in the new house. Seeing that the poison won't kill me, you let me Rui'er did not hesitate to frame me by self-harm. After that, she let the maids slander me, and then joined forces with the princesses in the palace to harm me.

I don't need to care about these things with you. After all, I am better than you in everything. Even if you want to kill me, you don't have that ability.

But Ruier is your biological son, but you can disregard the relationship between mother and child, and put your own child to death for a man over and over again. "

(End of this chapter)

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