My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1064 Last Chance

Chapter 1064 Last Chance

"Hu Ziqi, don't you think about it carefully, you have done things to such an extent, and now everyone feels disgusting when they see you, who can accept you again?

After you have done so many things, leaving your life and letting you enjoy the glory until you die of old age is the best ending you can get, but you just don't know what contentment is.

Hu Ziqi, today I took the dawn to leave my words here.I'll give you ten breaths, put down the dagger in your hand, I'm in charge of this matter, I'll pretend it never happened.After ten breaths, if you insist on threatening me with Rui'er's life, today is your death day.No one can save you! "

Hua Lixiao has had enough.

She couldn't help watching such a disgusting woman, relying on the softness of others, to come out again and again to make trouble.

If Hu Ziqi doesn't stop herself today, no one can stop her today.

However, Hua Liming's warning is not threatening to Hu Ziqi.

Not only was there no threat, but Hu Ziqi laughed and said, "Hahahaha, Hua Lixiao, now is not the time for you to threaten me, don't get the primary and secondary relationship wrong! What kind of feelings does Qianchou have for Rui'er? Through this period of getting along, you must have understood it very well. If you didn't know it, you wouldn't rush to cook for Rui'er, right?"

"Aunt Hua didn't cook for me to please my father! Aunt Hua cooked for me voluntarily!" Gu Rui was restrained by the seventh-grade spiritual knife, and an angry expression appeared on his small face.

Hearing that Hu Ziqi wronged Hua Liming like this, Gu Rui was very angry.

"Shut up! Didn't I just cook you a few times to eat? You are a white-eyed wolf who can't get enough to eat, why do you get full immediately when someone feeds you? Or do you also think that you can only get along with this bitch? Will there be a bright future?"

Gu Rui was so angry that his small body kept trembling.

In any case, he was just a child over five years old, and he didn't have as many vicious words as adults.

Now that Hu Ziqi said this, it was clear that she didn't think so, she didn't think so, but she couldn't find anything to refute for a while.He even didn't know how to let Aunt Hua understand that he didn't think so at all.

"Rui'er, don't be angry. It's not worth getting angry with such a person. Just treat her as a pig. As a human being, you can't understand what she said."

Hua Lixiao's words seemed to have magical powers, and Gu Rui was inexplicably quieted down.

"Hu Ziqi, there is still time for the fifth suction. Put down the dagger, live. Keep holding the dagger, die."

Hua Lixiao's words made Hu Ziqi shudder for no reason, and the fear flashed away in his eyes.

This is the fear and anxiety that comes from the bottom of my heart, and it is a woman's sixth sense.

But things have come to this point, and she knows that she has no way out.

Taking a step forward, she has a great chance of living a glorious life, and even getting the love of Qianchou.Even if she couldn't get his love for the rest of her life, even if it was the doting he deliberately made for Hua Lixiao, she was willing.

Gu Qianchou has already become the biggest obsession in her life.

No matter what, she must get this man!

So after a moment of daze, Hu Ziqi gripped the dagger even tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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