My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1065 I have a high opinion of your character

Chapter 1065 I have a high opinion of your character
"Threatening people, who wouldn't? Hua Lixiao, just take the five breaths you gave me as the criterion. Within five breaths, immediately make the three thunder tribulation oaths, otherwise, even if I die, I will hold you back." Gu Rui is with me. But you will forever bear the notoriety of watching the death of the young master of the Gu family in order to fight for favor! This notoriety will always accompany you. When you dream back at midnight, Ruier's soul will also to condemn you!"

"No, Aunt Hua, leave me alone. I will never turn into a ghost to condemn you. In Rui'er's heart, Aunt Hua is as good a person as Daddy." Rui'er will always treat you as a family member, Mother!

But Ruier didn't say this.

He was afraid that if he said it, Hua Lixiao would really swear.

Hua Lixiao smiled.

"Hu Ziqi, I really want to know, what do you rely on to make yourself live so confidently from the beginning to the end?

Just because your husband once saved Qianqiu and sacrificed for Qianqiu, so you think Qianqiu is a great general, so he should marry you?Love you?Treat you like a treasure?
Just because that Hongyu told you that this is a seventh-grade peerless spiritual knife with its own formation. Unless it is a Lingzun, it will be difficult for even a master of the Blue Spirit Emperor to break the above prohibition by force, so you can hold it. A knife, traveled all over the world? "

"Hmph, even if I can't travel all over the world, I can at least threaten you! If I threaten you, Yi Qianchou likes you, and he will definitely agree to my conditions. Hua Lixiao, in the last five seconds, if you don't set up a thunderbolt Swear, I will kill Rui'er, and then commit suicide.!"

The counting is over, but Hua Lixiao still hasn't made the oath of Thunder Tribulation.

Hu Ziqi's eyes burst out with extreme resentment and destructive madness.

She laughed loudly: "Hua Lixiao, so you are nothing more than that! Although I have to say that you have done a great job, I used to think highly of your character, but your choice is correct.

However, even if I die, I will curse you!Rui'er's soul will also haunt you forever!Qianqiu knows that you watched Rui'er be killed by me in order to fight for favor, so she will never let you go.Even if he lets you go, but still loves you, with his character, this matter will definitely become a gap between you that will never be bridged.You guys will end up miserable. "

Hua Liming approached Hu Ziqi coldly and noblely, and in the astonishment of everyone's jaw dropping, slowly approached Hu Ziqi, until she walked in front of her, and then asked coldly: "Enough is enough? "

Hu Ziqi got carried away with what she said, and was slightly taken aback when Hua Lixiao's voice sounded next to her ears.

Immediately, his entire complexion changed drastically, and he cut Gu Rui's neck fiercely without even thinking about it.

However, at the moment she made a move, Hua Lixiao grabbed her wrist faster than her.Just a light push.


When Hu Ziqi let out a scream, her wrist bones were directly crushed.The next moment, Hua Lixiao kicked Hu Ziqi in the face and kicked her flying.

Of course, how does this foot of Hua Lixiao have spiritual power? After all, Hu Ziqi is just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. If you really want to use spiritual power to deal with her, you can kick her to death with one kick.

Seeing this, Cheng En at the side immediately ordered people to surround Hu Ziqi to prevent her from doing any evil.

(End of this chapter)

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