My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1067 Don't You Want Mother Kissing?

Chapter 1067 Don't You Want Mother Kissing?

Before, under the rage and madness, death was not so terrible.But now calmed down, the fear of death overwhelmed her.

"Rui'er, mother was really controlled by that bitch Hongyu before. You trust mother! Although mother has done something to hurt you before, but during this time, mother has come to see you every day, don't you Can't you feel Mother's intentions? You can trust Mother again. Mother is not afraid of being misunderstood by others, but afraid of being misunderstood by you!"

Gu Rui, who was still crying in Hua Lixiao's arms, couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly got up from Hua Lixiao's arms, looking at Hu Ziqi with disgust.

During this time, Hu Ziqi asked him about his father and Aunt Hua every day under the pretext of visiting him.

During this period of time, she tried her best to treat him well, and she was no longer as strict as usual, trying to make him feel the heart of a good mother.

But he knew that all the good things to him were just asking him to say a few more good words for her in front of his father every day before leaving, telling him how much he missed his mother in front of his father, that's all.

"Do you know that since I promised you to visit me every day in public last time, I have always regretted it."

Hu Ziqi looked at Gu Rui in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice, "Rui'er... I am your mother! I am the mother who gave birth to you and raised you!"

Gu Rui shook his head calmly: "No, you just gave birth to me. But you also tried to use my death to kill Aunt Hua several times. If Aunt Hua hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago. Since the palace banquet On that day, I have already returned my life to you.

My father taught me since I was a child that people should not be greedy.You gave birth to me, and I will pay you back. As for the fact that you used self-harm to blame Aunt Hua, it is the interest I paid you.Today you held me hostage again and threatened my life... Although you gave birth to me, it was my father who raised me and educated me. I don't owe you anything anymore. "

"Aunt Hua, can I go in and pack my things?"

Seeing Gu Rui's faintly trembling body and his pretended calm appearance, Hua Lixiao nodded distressedly.

"Great Emperor, you go in with Rui'er to pack your things."

Suddenly, a spirit turtle sprang out from Hua Lixiao's consciousness, and slowly pawed to Gu Rui's side.

"Go Rui'er, the emperor will protect you."

General Xu touched his nose when he saw this.

Originally, he wanted to say that he sent black armored guards to protect him, but after thinking about it, Mrs. Gu must be in a bad mood right now.

So in order to prevent any bad things from happening, he immediately ordered his black armored guards to quickly surround Gu Rui's room.



"Rui'er, don't you want a mother kiss?"


"Rui'er, don't leave! Hua Lixiao will kill mother if you leave! Don't you have the heart to watch mother die?"


"Rui'er, mother already knew she was wrong, mother will never do such a thing again... Rui'er! You are my own son, how could you treat me like this?"


"Rui'er, don't leave! She will really kill me if you leave!"

However, Gu Rui had already quickly ran away and entered the inner courtyard of his own courtyard.

"Gu Rui, you are an ungrateful and ungrateful thing, I gave birth to you for nothing! If I knew you were such a white-eyed wolf, I..."

"Cut off her tongue!"

(End of this chapter)

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