My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1068 She Hasn't Lived Enough

Chapter 1068 She Hasn't Lived Enough

Gu Qianchou gave an order before leaving, and now the Gu family obeys his wife's orders in everything.

So it was almost Hua Lixiao's voice, and those guards in Gu's mansion who were tricked by Hu Ziqi and were not qualified to work as errands in the Marshal's mansion immediately took orders.

"I come!"

Cheng En is almost the biggest victim.

As for Hu Ziqi, he and she are simply at odds.

Hu Ziqi was still scolding Gu Rui, but when she heard Hua Lixiao's order, her eyes instantly widened bigger than a copper bell.

"What are you going to do? No, no... You can't treat me like this! My husband is Qianchou's benefactor, and he promised to keep me alive. "

"He agreed to you, but I didn't agree to you. On Huangquan Road, you can complain to me."

"But you are Qianchou's wife, you should help him do what he promised. How can you..."

"He is him, I am me."

Hu Ziqi was really panicked and frightened.

Never before had she felt so close to death.

"Hua Lixiao, there are so many people here now, and there are also the black armored guards under the emperor. If you kill me, aren't you afraid that the emperor will punish you? As the head of the house, you can't even tolerate an aunt, you..."

"All of us will be Madam Gu's witnesses." Black Armored Guard 1 suddenly said.

"That's right, if the emperor asks about your words and deeds today, we will speak out without reservation. A vicious woman like you deserves to die!" said the second black armored guard.

"When a scum like you dies, the emperor will not only not blame the Gu family, but will praise her for eliminating harm for the people." The black armored guard said three times.

"For a lowly ant like you, even if you die 1 times, your emperor won't take it seriously, so how can you punish Mrs. Gu? You think highly of yourself!" the black armored guard 4 said.

"Bitch, go to hell!" the black armored guard 5 said.


"Madam Gu, it's too cheap to kill such a woman, so cut her into pieces!" the black armored guard said.

Seeing that Hu Ziqi's face was ashen ashes, and she kept sifting through the chaff, Hua Lixiao finally smiled.

"Hu Ziqi, you are such a failure in life. So many people want to watch you die, and this wife is not good to refute everyone's face. But for the sake of your husband being a life-saving benefactor, I don't Torture you, I will let you die happily."

"No—" Hu Ziqi let out a hoarse scream, and then her whole body began to lose moral integrity.

"Ma'am, I was wrong, I really know I'm wrong, can you let me go? I'm just an ant, a humble ant. I'm not worth your trouble killing me! As long as you let me go, I swear, I will I will definitely stay far away from Qianqiu, I..."

Suddenly, Hu Ziqi's eyes froze, and she looked at her heart in disbelief.

There, the seventh-grade spiritual knife that she held in her hand to kidnap Gu Rui and threaten Hua Lixiao had already pierced her heart.

Feeling that life was slowly passing by, Hu Ziqi's eyes widened, filled with unbelievable horror.

"No... no no... don't kill me! Don't... kill me! I don't want to die!"

Gu Qianchou gave her the life-sustaining elixir.

After taking that kind of elixir, even if she has no spiritual power, she can live another 200 years.Adding the original 100 years old, she can live for 300 years.

She is only 30 years old now.

(End of this chapter)

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