My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1069 The Empty Yard

Chapter 1069 The Empty Yard
Her favorite thing is to attend the family banquets of those ministers.Even if she is just a little aunt who exists like a maid in other ministers' mansions, as soon as she appears, she will definitely steal the glory of the mistresses of other ministers.

She loves this kind of life, and she cannot live without it.

She loves such a man, she cannot do without such a man.


Suddenly, someone turned the dagger on her chest, and a sharp pain hit every nerve in her body.

Only then did Hu Ziqi recover from the memory.

Hua Lixiao's appearance gradually became clear in her sight.

"It's's you who happiness! I hate you, and I won't let you go...let you go!"

She hates it so much!
She really hates it!
If it wasn't for the appearance of Hua Lixiao, she would still be the gentle and graceful Aunt Hu.

How could she do such a dirty thing?How could she hurt her own son?
If she didn't do these things, how could she be hated by her thousand enemies, or even disgust her?
Seeing Hu Ziqi who finally showed a ferocious expression, Hua Lixiao sneered: "Okay, try to become a ghost. Hu Ziqi, a woman like you who has no spiritual power, no appearance, no brain and no conscience, As early as the first episode that appeared, it was time to get out and get the boxed lunch. But because of your husband, because of Qian Qiu, and because of Gu Rui, you have been jumping until now. So, be grateful!"

Hu Ziqi opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but no sound came out of her throat.She felt like her life was going by so fast.


Hua Lixiao pulled out the spirit knife from Hu Ziqi's heart, and Hu Ziqi's body became limp.

The moment she fell down, she saw Gu Qianchou who had been hiding in the air.

"..." She wanted to call him, but just as she was about to make a sound, her mouth froze at the moment she opened it.

"Finally dead."


"Die well!"

"Madam Gu is mighty and domineering!"

Seeing Hu Ziqi's body, the black armored guards all cheered.

No one was sad for Hu Ziqi's death, not even Gu Rui who was in the room at the moment.

He no longer loves or hates the woman who gave birth to him and gave him life.

The moment he was rescued by Hua Lixiao, she no longer existed in his life.

After Gu Rui packed up his things, Hua Lixiao had already ordered someone to take Hu Ziqi's body down for disposal.

Staring blankly at the empty ground, although the blood stains have been cleaned up, Gu Rui can still smell the faint smell of blood in the air.

Although it has been decided, from now on I will treat myself as an orphan, never having a mother.

But looking at the empty ground at this moment, Gu Rui still couldn't help but be dazed.

"Are you ready?"

Looking up at Hua Lixiao's concerned gaze, the corners of Gu Rui's lips twitched, and he swallowed the question he wanted to ask again.

He nodded and said, "Yes."

"Let's go after packing up, your father is still waiting for us in Kyoto."


"Madam, although the lord does not want to see his subordinates anymore, and his subordinates will not have the opportunity to serve the lord in the future, protecting his wife back to the capital is a task that the lord assigned to his subordinates before he left. I hope the lady will not be disgusted. "

(End of this chapter)

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