Chapter 1070
Regarding Cheng En, Hua Lixiao does not deny that he is a loyal guard, but as a qualified guard, loyalty is not enough.

"You don't need to protect me when I go back. You stay here and organize the things in the house. The rest are waiting for your master's order."

Cheng En's eyes dimmed completely, but he still clasped his fists in response: "Yes."

She has no right to deal with Cheng En, but for Cheng En, it is impossible not to be angry.

As a qualified guard, in addition to being loyal, he should also be the master's right-hand man.

But since she married Gu Qianchou, Cheng En and Cheng De have always been stumbling blocks around her.

They are loyal and full of justice, but they don't know right from wrong, and they don't even have the ability to distinguish fundamentally.After each accident, although the lesson will be learned, it will keep making new mistakes.

What Gu Qianchou is going to do in the future is full of dangers. To be honest, such a guard is absolutely unqualified.

So Cheng En left it to Gu Qianchou to decide on going to Hua Lixiao, but she definitely wouldn't let it go so easily because of this incident.

Hu Ziqi is just a woman without the slightest spiritual power, and it has a lot to do with Cheng En to be able to turn up troubles in this house again and again.

"Madam Gu, Xu was entrusted by the emperor to protect you and your son to the capital safely."

Hua Lixiao nodded: "Thank you General Xu."

There is such a good thing as a space ring in this world, so all the things you pack can be placed in the space ring.

The Marshal's Mansion in Kyoto has everything, except for the flowers of different shapes in the flower hall that Gu Qianchou specially built for her, Hua Lixiao took almost nothing from the Gu Mansion.

Hua Lixiao and Gu Rui sat in the flying beast car, and the car was quiet.

Half an hour passed, Gu Rui, who had been looking out the window, couldn't help it, and looked up at Hua Lixiao who was sitting opposite him.

When Gu Rui looked at himself, Hua Lixiao also took a look at him, and then turned his gaze outside.

Gu Rui was a little careless, and finally couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going to comfort me?"

He is a child!

Although his mother... No, Hu Ziqi really deserved it, but after all, he suddenly became a child without a mother, shouldn't he speak softly to him, and enlighten his wounded heart?

Although Aunt Hua is a good person, sometimes her emotions are too rough.

Gu Rui thought dully.

"I killed your mother with my own hands, will you hate me?"

Gu Rui shook his head: "No, because I know she deserves to die. She tried to put you to death countless times, but you spared her for daddy's sake. I know she will die for you one day hands."

"Then do you feel sorry for her?"

Gu Rui shook his head: "She wants too much. Her heart is too big. Every time she gets a little, she wants more. If she can't get it, she will fight for it by all means. She has What happened today is inevitable."

"Are you sad that she died?"

Gu Rui was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "I don't know either."

When Hu Ziqi was alive, after she made so many excessive demands on herself, beat and scolded her, and even put him to death twice, every time she used herself as an excuse to visit him after that, it was actually nothing more than In order to inquire about the affairs of Daddy and Aunt Hua, he never asked about his affairs, and he hated her very much.

(End of this chapter)

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