My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1071 Different ways of education

Chapter 1071 Different ways of education
But today, when she wanted to put him to death for the third time, as a mother, she threatened other women with his life with a dagger, he thought that even if Aunt Hua killed her, he would feel that she deserve it.

But when he knew that she was really dead, he had another urge to cry.


Gu Ruizheng wanted to tell Hua Lixiao what he was saying in his heart, but he just opened his mouth, and Hua Lixiao opened his mouth before he finished uttering a single word.

"Then it's over."

Gu Rui: "..."

"I killed her, you won't hate me, and there will be no gap between us because of this matter. And you also feel that she deserves to die, and you don't feel sorry for her. After she died, you didn't feel sad. What do you want me to comfort you with?"

Gu Rui: "...!!!"

Is there anyone who speaks like this?
Is there such an analysis?
He is still a child, and the child of his dead mother.Although his mother deserves to die, this woman can't take his feelings into consideration, even if it's not to comfort him, she can just say a few words!Just sitting in the flying beast car without making a sound like this, his ears could be so quiet that calluses came out!
Looking at Hua Lixiao with some resentment, Gu Rui became depressed.

Forget it, not to mention pulling down.

"Although she gave you life, since you live in this world, you are an independent individual with flesh and blood, thoughts and feelings.

I won't say anything else, since I appeared, she used your life to fight me a few times in order to kill me, do you remember? "

"three times."

"That's right, three times. Tiger poison doesn't eat babies, let alone humans. And she not only kills you, but also kills you several times. She is no longer as good as a beast.

You are his son, although she gave you life and allowed you to come into this world, but if your father hadn't appeared back then, who can guarantee that she wouldn't kill you directly in her stomach and form a new love, or Is it to sell you after you are born and have a new love? "

Gu Rui: "..."

"With her selfish personality, giving birth to you is actually using you. Using you to win your father's favor and the opportunity for her to get close to your father. I bet you didn't have a childhood, your childhood must be She used perverted education methods to make you practice martial arts, right?"


"No need to answer, it must be."


"She asked you to practice martial arts, not because she hopes that you will become stronger in the future, but because you practice martial arts seriously, you are talented, and you are making rapid progress. Your father will love you more, and her face will be more radiant. , maybe you can become a general in the future and inherit the property of the entire Marshal's Mansion."

Gu Rui: "..." Well, he admitted, these are what his mother, no, Hu Ziqi said to him every day.

"If you really still have such a trace of love and family affection for her, after I catch her and rescue you, you will definitely beg me to let her go as before, instead of going into the house to pack things. The moment you left, you gave up on her, didn't you?
And when I asked you if you were sad just now, if you still have any feelings for her, you should answer sad, after all, she is your biological mother.But you told me you didn't know.Not knowing means not not being sad, but not being sad either. "

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 As of the deadline, the 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors from bottom to top are the winning floors.The rules remain the same.

(End of this chapter)

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