My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1072 Attacked

Chapter 1072 Attacked
"So I don't need to comfort you. Under the influence of your mother, you are not an ordinary five-year-old child. Your mind has already crossed the threshold of a ten-year-old child. So there are some things, no matter how much I enlighten you, it is useless , but you need to step over this hurdle slowly by yourself, and get through this major change by yourself. Understand?"

So that's what she meant!
Gu Rui was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"When you figure it out, this matter will not become your demon. At that time, whether you are relieved or treat me as your mother-killing enemy, I will accept it."

"I won't regard you as my mother-killing enemy!" Gu Rui said seriously: "Aunt Hua, although you are always cold and never say sweet words to children, but what you do makes me feel It's very warm. Even my mother never gave me such a warm feeling. For her... I know that if you don't kill her, she will continue to do evil endlessly and endlessly, so I gave up she.

You are right, in fact, I have made a choice from the very beginning, but I have not yet been able to get out of her death.When I think about it, I will definitely be able to get out of the shadow of this matter. "

After hearing Gu Rui's words, Hua Lixiao couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his head, and secretly let out a foul breath in her heart.

To be honest, she really can't comfort children.Especially the child's mother was killed by her.

No matter how damn this woman is, she is still his mother.

So how should she enlighten?
She should have said: Don't be sad, I will be your mother from now on?Or your mother did all kinds of evil, she deserves to die, she deserves to die, you should not feel sad, but should feel grateful, because you are free now?

She couldn't even say those words.

And sometimes no matter how much enlightenment you have, it's useless if you can't figure it out.

She has always felt that Gu Rui is a child who is much more mature than children of the same age, so she believes that he will be able to overcome this hurdle.

As it turns out, she was right.

Although Hu Ziqi deserved to die, luckily Gu Rui followed his father's character. Under the high-pressure education of such a perverted mother, not only did he not grow sideways, but he became a pine and cypress that was not afraid of the severe cold.

She believes that once he gets out of the shadow of this time, Gu Rui's future is boundless.

Falling into another round of silent flying beast car, Hua Lixiao's face suddenly froze, summoned the emperor, and grabbed Gu Rui who was facing him into his arms.

Before Gu Rui could react, the entire flying beast vehicle emitted a dazzling blue light and exploded.


With the sound of a deafening explosion, a dazzling blue light lit up outside the flying beast car, like a sea-blue mushroom cloud, blooming a gorgeous flower in the void outside the beast car.

This is an attack from the powerful Blue Spirit Emperor.

But their flying beast car is still fine at the moment.

Because besides having summoned the Great Emperor immediately, she also knew that Gu Qianchou had been guarding her not far away, so when she felt danger, Hua Lixiao was not in a hurry.


Gu Qianchou's avatar must be kept secret, if Xu Shenjiang outside cannot protect her, then the people sent by Huangfu Gongchen must all die.

Thinking of this, Hua Lixiao's expression froze, and before the next attack came, she took out her spiritual weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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