Chapter 1073
It took such a long time to draw, and it took Xiao Tian'er such a long time to refine, and finally she spent such a long time to infuse the spiritual weapon with various inscription patterns and spirit stones.

Let this group of soil turtles see what a real spiritual weapon is!

Just as the next attack was about to come, the flying beast car suddenly exploded from inside.

Gu Qianchou used his spiritual power to protect the flying beast car, but he did not restrict Hua Lixiao's movements, because he believed that Hua Lixiao would not move casually.

So there was a sudden bombardment from the beast cart, let alone General Xu outside, even Gu Qianchou was taken aback.


There was another loud bang, and suddenly, an iron lump that was much smaller and lighter than Africa, with a small shape, and a pair of wings on both sides suddenly shot up into the sky from the exploded beast car, and instantly got rid of the embarrassment of the middle target , detached from group battle attacks.

Everyone was shocked, wondering where the two people in the flying beast vehicle went now?
Could it be in that aircraft?

"Wow, that's so cool——!"

At this moment, Gu Rui, who was sitting in the plane, couldn't hold it back, and he stared wide-eyed and praised.

"Aunt Hua, this thing is really cool. It's much smaller and more delicate than a flying boat, and it can fly! What is it?"

While manipulating the spiritual weapon, Hua Lixiao raised her lips and said, "This is a fighter jet."

"Fighter? Is it a machine specially used for fighting? Can it resist the attack of the Blue Spirit Emperor level powerhouse? Did it resist the explosion just now?"

"Although it can't resist the attack of the powerful Blue Spirit Emperor, the Great Emperor can. But its speed is comparable to that of the flying boat, and its flexibility is much higher than that of the flying boat. Even if it can't beat the Blue Spirit Emperor, there is no problem in escaping."

After all, the speed of the flying boat is comparable to the speed of Lingzun.

"Wow! It's so handsome!"

The last time Hua Lixiao held a weapon, she suddenly collapsed a person whose strength was one level higher than hers.

For that thing, Gu Rui still remembers it fresh until now, and the shock in his heart has not disappeared. Now he has seen a fighter jet that is as fast as the flying boat, but much more sensitive than the flying boat. The powerful curiosity of cool spiritual weapons.

"Is this handsome?"

Faced with Hua Lixiao's ignorant expression, Gu Rui was speechless.

"This is your spiritual weapon. Don't you think it's handsome? If it's not handsome, why are you showing it off?"

"Hehe." After Hua Lixiao showed a disgusted face, he said, "Let me show you what it means to be handsome!"

At this moment, when two masked men with green spiritual energy burned on their bodies and a masked man with blue spiritual energy burned towards them took the opportunity to attack them, countless streamers burst out from the weapon holes in front of the fighter jet.

The bullets like a meteor shower shot at the three people in front like a meteor shower while the inscription pattern last time had not dissipated.

"The mantis arm is the car!"

Although the flying speed of the bullet was fast, its attack power was not strong.

Not to mention the Qing Linghuang at the front, even the two green spirit saints at the back can easily withstand the bullets fired from the flying boat.


Xu Can will try to stop the opponent's attack on Hua Lixiao and Gu Rui at the first time, but who knows that the opponent has two masters of the Lan Linghuang, and each of them is stronger than his reaching out.

(End of this chapter)

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