My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 107 Get Up and Fight Her

Chapter 107 Get Up and Fight Her

"Go to hell!"

The woman's figure suddenly moved, and quickly swept towards Ling Tian.

At the same time, the woman stretched her hand towards her waist, and in an instant, a long red whip with barbed thorns contained white spiritual energy, and it went straight to Ling Tian's cheek.

He wanted to break her face with his shot.

Ling Tian's eyes were fixed, and he swung his dagger to meet the snake-like long whip.

"court death!"

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of the woman's lips, the long whip bit the dagger like a poisonous snake, and the snake's head flicked, intending to slam the dagger into Ling Tian's face.

But the next moment, an incredible scene happened.

When the spiritual power on the long whip met the power of heaven and earth on the dagger, the long whip instantly became disobedient, entangled on the dagger like a dead object, unable to move.

Ling Tian's hand holding the dagger suddenly exerted strength at this moment.

The power of breaking!

Suddenly, the long whip vibrated at a strange frequency, and the amplitude instantly extended to the woman's hand.

At first, the woman only felt that her arms were shaking, but after a while, she felt that her whole body was shaking with the frequency of the whip.


The woman screamed and dropped the long whip, trying to stop the shaking of her body.However, not only did the weird shaking not stop, but it became more and more intense.

"Crack, click, click, click..."

As the sound of bones breaking continued, the woman's hoarse screams finally stopped, and she collapsed on the ground without moving.

Her eyes were filled with the horror of death, and her whole body was like a puddle of mud, with all the bones in her body shattered.

When Ling Tian attacked the woman, she was also prepared to defend against the other two, who knew that the woman was already dead, and the other two still did not move.

It wasn't until Ling Tian looked at the young man, who seemed to be "stunned", that he was able to move in an instant. He glanced at Elder Memories, who was as immobile as him, and then raised his head to look at Di Wu who was suspended in the air. Shang, the man knew that they had kicked the iron plate today, so he simply knelt down to Ling Tian.

"Girl, please spare me! I don't know Taishan with my eyes, and I ran into the girl and the strong man behind you. Please don't take it to heart. For the sake of pleading for the girl just now, I will spare my life."

After finishing speaking, I remembered that I hadn't reported my family name yet.

"My name is Wu Yu, and I am the grandson of the head of the Wu family of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families. I worshiped under the Qijue sect, and now I am an inner disciple of the Qijue sect's whip sect! As long as the girl can spare my life, the Qijue sect and the Wu family will definitely come to me in person in the future." Come to the door to thank the girl for not killing me."

"I don't want this deity to kill you directly, so get up and fight her! If you defeat her, this deity will let you go."

The man who was begging for mercy heard Di Wushang's secret voice, and couldn't react for a while.

On second thought, maybe...the expert couldn't kill the woman in front of him for some reason.So you want to use his hand to kill her?

The man's eyes lit up, he was sure that this must be the case, so he rushed towards Ling Tianfei who was still thinking about it.

In order to injure Ling Tian as quickly as possible, the man did not have a weapon in his hand.

Ling Tian is not too far away from Wu Yu, and the speed of a fourth-level spiritual master is far beyond that of a third-level spiritual master. Ling Tian only felt a blur before his eyes, and the man's fist with spiritual power had already hit her forehead.

Seeing this, Ling Tian dropped the dagger in his hand, and punched the man's fist together.

The power of breaking!

(End of this chapter)

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