My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 108 Human Flesh Card Trial Stone

Chapter 108 Human Flesh Card Trial Stone
Although she had defeated Xu Yi who was at the beginning of the fifth level with the strength of the peak of the third level before.But Xu Yi was ambushed by her without any vigilance, and any sneak attack was a blow to the soul.

But Ling Tian knew that in terms of positive power, her strength at the peak of the third level was actually not comparable to that of a fifth-level spiritualist.

At least, when facing this Wu Yu, Ling Tian clearly felt the gap in his own strength, and was directly beaten back by the opponent for several steps.

Fortunately, she has the power of shattering, which can not only aggravate the opponent's injury, crush the opponent's bones, but also reduce the opponent's damage to herself through the vibration frequency.

Wu Yu and Ling Tian's fist clash was fleeting.

But Ling Tian stopped after taking five steps back. Although Wu Yu stabilized his figure, he felt a strong vibration coming from his fist.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain and the sound of bones breaking.


Wu Yu yelled, turned his left hand into a knife, and cut off his right arm mercilessly.

But the next moment-


A dagger pierced through his throat, and Wu Yu's body crashed to the ground, dead beyond death.

Looking at the gray-clothed old man who had been horrified from the very beginning, he still has this expression until now.

Ling Tian suddenly turned his head to look at the tree, and asked, "Are you immobilizing them all?"


When Di Wushang nodded, he had already fallen from the sky.

Ling Tian was startled.

She knew that Di Wushang was very strong, but she didn't expect him to be so strong.

The gray-clothed old man seemed to be a strong man at first glance, but Di Wushang was able to control him to death with just his breath without touching him at all.

How strong does it take to be able to do this?
"Next, it's time for the man in gray. Does Xiao Tian'er know his strength?"

Ling Tian nodded.

She can detect the opponent's spiritual power through mental power.

"A sixth-level elementary spirit master."

"Xiao Tian'er is really amazing, he can actually see the level of warriors who are so much stronger than you."

"But I can't see you."

Di Wushang looked at Ling Tian, ​​and blinked at him, causing him to smile wryly: "Xiao Tian'er, keep working hard, and one day, you will be able to see through my strength at a glance."

Ling Tian pouted inwardly.

She is making progress, does it mean that he is not making progress at all?They are all so evil now, won't they be even more evil in the future?How to let her see through?

But in terms of his mouth, Ling Tian would never let his momentum down, threatening: "That is necessary!"

After all, Ling Tian looked at the gray-clothed old man, and the imprisonment of the other party was also released at this moment.

"Your Excellency, girl, it was my apprentice who was wrong just now and offended you two, damn it! I apologize to you on behalf of them! Please let me live! I am Rong Bo, the master of the Qijue Sect. Your Excellency can let me go, I promise to report the matter of Mu Lin and Wu Yu truthfully, and the Qijuezong, the Mu family, and the Wu family will not pursue it afterwards!"

"So what if they pursue it?"

At this moment, Di Wushang's face, which he could never find after being thrown into the crowd, was full of evil and contempt, which cast a layer of dazzling halo on that ancient and calm face.

Rong Bo: ...

"Your Excellency and the girl must have come here from far away, right? You two don't know. The reason why the Eight Great Aristocratic Families and the Four Great Sects are able to stay out of the imperial power is not only because of the marriage between the Aristocratic Family and the Sect, but also because of the mutual relationship between them." The inextricable connection is also because many children of the family are officials in the dynasty. Although your excellency is powerful, it is impossible to be an enemy of the armies of the 13 major countries, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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