My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1075 Killing Soul Palace Warriors

Chapter 1075 Killing Soul Palace Warriors

"How can you kill Qinglinghuang masters who are two levels higher than you so easily? Really... Even your father is not as handsome as you! I like this fighter so much!"

Hua Lixiao still had a cold face, but a smile appeared in the depths of her eyes.

"This shows part of its performance, its role, and much more than that."

Gu Rui's eyes lit up: "What else does it do?"

"Want to see?"

"Hmm! Think!" Special thought.

"Then look good!"

After all, Hua Lixiao drove the fighter jet and rushed towards the group of Qinglinghuang and Lvlingsheng in the Soul Palace without saying a word.

This improved version of the fighter is driven by purple spirit stones, and its speed is no worse than that of the flying boat. The masters of the Qingling Emperor and the Green Spirit Saint are completely inferior to the speed of the fighter.

Seeing the fighter jets rushing towards them, all expressions changed.

"No, I'm rushing over here. Run!"

"Everyone split up and run!"

Someone yelled in the middle, and then everyone spread out in a fan shape.

No matter how fast you are, if you can catch up to one, how the hell can you catch up to everyone?
"It's not good, Aunt Hua, they scattered and ran away, let's kill that person, he is a master of the Qingling Emperor!"

Those masters at the level of the Qingling Emperor, in order to prevent being chased by Hua Lixiao alone because of their high strength, withdrew their visible spiritual power when they fled.

Gu Rui felt that fortunately he had been paying attention to one of them before, otherwise, if he could only kill one person, at least he would have to kill a master Qinglinghuang to not lose money!

Hua Lixiao glanced at Gu Rui, and said angrily, "Just a child, he likes to fight and kill all day long, his three views are not right!"

"But..." They are enemies!
However, before they finished speaking, they saw 16 holes suddenly appearing from all directions under their fighter jets on the control template.

When killing the three people before, only the two holes in front of the fighter jet were used, but this time, there were 16 more holes, a total of 18 holes, and the "swish, swish" in all directions without dead ends was directed towards all directions. Fa shot at the streamer.

In order to ensure that people from every direction will be included, Hua Lixiao also made the fighter jet rotate.

The wave of soul palace warriors who had already run out ahead were thankful that the terrifying iron bump did not chase after them.But at the next moment, when several streamers passed through their bodies, leaving terrifying blood holes on their bodies, countless people screamed in horror.

The Hall of Souls is a Jianghu sect, and the leader of the Hall of Souls is also the leader of the martial arts alliance in Dongzhou Continent.As soon as the people outside hear the word Soul Palace, even if they provoke someone who is stronger than them, the other party will not care about them for the sake of Soul Palace.

So they never thought that they would die one day.

Especially those strong men at the Qinglinghuang level, they never thought that they would die so easily and meaninglessly.






The sound of watermelon bursting sounded one after another, and 4 masters of the Qinglinghuang level and 28 green spirit saints exploded into clouds of blood mist amidst the horror and fear on their faces.

At the beginning, the two Lanling Emperors, including General Xu Shen, were so frightened that they immediately raised their protective shields when they saw that the iron lump could shoot in all directions.

However, after discovering that Hua Lixiao's attack could not destroy the protective shield of the Lan Linghuang-level fighters, the panic of the two of them turned into hatred for revenge for the disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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