My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1076 Is the evidence sufficient?

Chapter 1076 Is the evidence sufficient?
The people in Soul Hall are very united.

The deputy hall master brought them out, and they didn't think about who they would leave behind or let die.

Unexpectedly, when they came out today, except for the two of them, the rest of the disciples all died unexpectedly.No wonder the deputy hall master insisted on killing Hua Lixiao.This Hua Lixiao is simply too vicious!
"Hua Lixiao, you dare to kill people from my Soul Palace!!!"

In the cockpit, Gu Rui was completely dumbfounded by the combat performance of this fighter jet.But Hua Lixiao is still as calm and breezy as before.

Slowly took the microphone in his hand, turned up the external volume, raised Erlang's legs and spoke slowly.

"Oh, you are allowed to intercept me, thousands of black armored guards in Xizhou, but I am not allowed to fight back. You are so awesome, do you know the master of the soul hall? Your master of the soul hall is just as awesome as you Forced?

Even if you have been so awesome in the past, but I am the wife of the Generalissimo of Xizhou, and you killed the black armored guard of Xizhou.So your Soul Palace is stronger than Xizhou Emperor Palace, right?You are so awesome, could it be possible that the master of your Soul Palace is actually the Great Emperor Zhongzhou pretending to be? "

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the two Blue Spirit Emperor powerhouses, and they shouted angrily: "Who said we are from the Soul Palace? Don't spit blood!"


Hua Lixiao couldn't hold back and sprayed.

"Just because you say that Mrs. Ben is bloody now! Just because after Mrs. Ben said that you are from the Soul Palace, you are so angry, so afraid that this matter will be confirmed! Just because you two appeared with Hongyu before, This lady can be sure."

"Hmph, don't confuse people with your gossip here!"

"Who is Hongyu? We don't even know each other!" Another Lan Linghuang also denied it.

Hua Lixiao didn't want to argue with this kind of person anymore, when Hongyu appeared, she had already filmed her the whole process with the mirror image symbol.

When these two strong men of the Blue Spirit Emperor level appeared with Hongyu, and then stood behind Hongyu all the time, accompanied her there to criticize Hua Lixiao on a moral basis, and was finally exposed by Hua Lixiao with the oath of thunder, When the mirror image of a few people leaving appeared in the void, the faces of the two Blue Spirit Emperor powerhouses instantly became extremely ugly.

Only then did Hua Lixiao's voice sound slowly and unhurriedly.

"It's not that if you say no, it's not. Facts speak louder than words. Next time you come out to handle a case if you want to die, even if you think the other party will definitely be killed by you, please pay attention.

Look at you, whether it's body shape, head shape, hairstyle, or the strands of white hair in the hair, and the outfit that hasn't even changed your clothes, shoes and socks, it's simply too unprofessional!

Not to mention me and General Xu, even the five-year-old kid around me can tell who you are! "

The expressions of the two masters of the Soul Palace's Blue Spirit Emperor had become extremely ugly at the moment, and finally they couldn't help showing their ferocity.

"So what if we are from the Soul Palace? What evidence do you have to prove that we are the ones who intercepted you?"

"Yes. Of course!"

After all, Hua Lixiao was furious and took out another Mirror Image Talisman and crushed it.This mirror image talisman recorded the sentence that Lan Linghuang said from the start of the killing until half a minute ago - "So what if we are people from the Soul Palace? What evidence do you have to prove that we are the ones who intercepted and killed you?"

"How? Is the evidence sufficient?"

 Congratulations to the obsession with other cities on the 2nd floor, the lingering jokes on the 7th floor, and the winning of the prize on the 12th floor.

(End of this chapter)

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