My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1077 Shameless

Chapter 1077 Shameless

Appreciating the expressions of the two Blue Spirit Emperor powerhouses swallowing a hundred flies into their mouths, Hua Lixiao felt inexplicably happy.

"The Lord of the Red Jade Palace was just slandered by you. Even if someone cares about her wanting to kill people with a knife, as long as you are dead, she can deny it. As for the killing of the Heijiawei by our Soul Palace, our goal has never been It’s only you, not the Black Armored Guard. But that’s not important anymore, what’s important is that you two must die. As long as you die here too, no one will know that it’s His Highness Soul’s hand!”

"General Xu, you go first, don't worry about me. The speed of my fighter is comparable to the speed of Lingzun, they can't catch up with me. We can ignore these two people, and when we go to Beijing to report to the emperor, we will naturally Someone is cleaning up the soul hall."


The two Blue Spirit Emperor powerhouses screamed, and their complexions instantly became extremely ugly.

"Madam Gu, are you serious? If something happens to Madam, Xu will not survive even if he goes back."

General Xu Shen didn't want to fight with these two for a long time.If he continues, he will only die.

But if he wanted to escape, the two of them would have nothing to do with him.Although he may be seriously injured, since there are many life-saving things on his body, it is no problem to return to Kyoto alive.

"Of course it's true. I have the mirror image symbols in my hands, how can I still tell lies? You go, I promise that nothing will happen." Hua Lixiao responded to General Xu with a loudspeaker.

"Okay, then Xu will leave. Mrs. Gu is careful, Xu will return to the emperor's palace as soon as possible to inform the emperor of this matter."

"it is good."

The conversation between general Xu Can and Hua Lixiao shocked the two Blue Spirit Emperor powerhouses.

They came out with the Hall Master behind their backs, which violated the sect's rules.Even knowing that this woman was Hua Lixiao, they helped the deputy hall master to mess around and killed a thousand black armored guards. This is definitely a big taboo!
Now, once this matter is found by Emperor Xizhou, even if the Soul Palace is not destroyed, it will peel off its skin.On the Dongzhou side, it is said that the leader is a man of iron and blood, as long as he violates the religious rules, and the circumstances are serious, although the ostensible decision is to drive out the Soul Palace, everyone knows that all the people who were driven out disappeared without a trace , The world evaporated.

They... don't want to die!
The two exchanged a look, and suddenly moved.

One blocked General Xu's path, and the other blocked Hua Lixiao's front, and immediately used spiritual power to cover Hua Lixiao's radius of [-] meters.

"General Xu, can you escape?"

"Xu is fine, where is Mrs. Gu?"

"Of course I can. You go first, I will see you leave safely before I go."

"Okay, Madam Gu, take care!"

After all, Xu Can general took out a magical amulet.

"not good!"

The two Lan Linghuangs screamed at the same time, they never expected not only Hua Lixiao to have two mirror image symbols, but General Xu Shen also had a magic movement symbol on his body.

This magical talisman is obviously only low-level.

Although General Xu's figure disappeared suddenly, he appeared a mile away the next moment.

However, the strength and strength of the two Lan Linghuang powerhouses are comparable to General Xu Can. Although the distance is only a short distance of one mile, it may be eternal.

The strong Lan Linghuang quickly chased after General Xu Can.

Just when Hua Lixiao was about to wait for General Xu to leave, and then let Gu Qianchou's avatar finish off the Lan Linghuang in front of him.


(End of this chapter)

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