Chapter 1078
Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the distance, and Xu Can, who was running at the front, exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Hua Lixiao couldn't help frowning slightly.

Xu Shenjiang can be put to death with one move, which is probably only the Lingzun can do it!

Will Gu Qianchou be the opponent of this Lingzun?
Compared with Hua Lixiao's worries, the Lan Linghuang who blocked her way suddenly lit up.

"I don't know which senior came to help, the Soul Palace will definitely be grateful in the future!"

The Lan Linghuang powerhouse who was chasing general Xu made a 90-degree bow to the air, expressing his thanks for the opponent's shot.

The Lan Linghuang powerhouse beside Hua Lixiao also made a bow to the void, and said: "Since the senior has already helped us, please help us trap this demon girl for a while, her flying boat seems to be able to break through ours. It is said that the speed of the seal is comparable to that of a spiritual master. If senior is willing to help, the Hall of Soul will be grateful!"

However, after the two finished speaking, a voice that was extremely familiar to Hua Lixiao resounded in the void.

"A bunch of moths! The black sheep! The Soul Palace is grateful? The Soul Palace must be grateful? What are you? Why do you represent the Soul Palace?"

The two Blue Spirit Emperors: "..."

Hua Lixiao: "..."

Gu Qianchou in secret: "..."

Gu Rui: "Hey, isn't that the voice of Uncle Beixuan? Why did Uncle Beixuan help those two people?"

Hua Lixiao rubbed Gu Rui's head: "Guess!"

Gu Rui thought for a while, then suddenly stared: "Uncle Beixuan is the real boss of the Soul Palace, right?"

Although Hua Lixiao doesn't believe that Beixuanmo is the master of the Soul Palace, she believes that there must be some crucial connection between Beixuanmo and the Soul Palace.So she was shocked by Gu Rui's intelligence.

This kid is so smart!
"What is the holy place, Your Excellency?"

"Your Excellency, we have no choice but to come out to kill people. If Your Excellency and the Palace Master are friends, please forgive me. Today, we are indeed reckless."

"Murder is a last resort? What is the canon of the Soul Palace? As the strong of the Blue Spirit Emperor and the high-level officials of the Soul Palace branch, don't you know? Just a word of necessity can explain your behavior today? Your behavior is reckless. Can words sum it up?"

After the voice fell, Beixuanmo's figure slowly condensed in the void.Changing from the usual hip-hop style, Beixuanmo's face at this moment is stern, completely different from the usual style of painting.

The two masters of the Blue Spirit Emperor were shocked.

"Bei... Master Beixuan!"

Isn't this Beixuan Mote the Right Prime Minister of Central Continent, a proper treacherous official, one of the confidantes of Emperor Central Continent?
I won't talk about appearing here, what did he mean when he taught them a lesson just now?
Could it be that he knows the canon of the Soul Palace?
I heard that there is a real master behind the Hall of Souls, and even Meng Chen, the master of the Hall of Souls and the leader of Dongzhou Martial Arts Alliance, is not the real master of the Hall of Souls. Could it be that... this Beixuanmo is?
In short, it is not difficult to hear from his tone that even if he is not the real master of the Soul Palace, he still has a great relationship with the Soul Palace.In short, it won't harm the Soul Palace.

Although the two were tense, they were completely relaxed.

As long as Beixuanmo is here, Hua Lixiao won't be able to escape.

Today, either Hua Lixiao will die, or the Palace of Soul will die.They believed that with Bei Xuanmo's tone, he would not just watch the Soul Palace perish.

(End of this chapter)

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