My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1079 Killing the Spirit Emperor

Chapter 1079 Killing the Spirit Emperor
So the two immediately sold Hongyu completely.

"Master Beixuan, we came out here to ambush people under the orders of the deputy hall master."

"That's right, Lord Beixuan, we didn't know at first that the person the vice-principal was going to kill was Marshal Gu's wife and a thousand black armored guards."

"We only found out when we went to the Gu mansion with the deputy hall master today. The deputy hall master has always loved Marshal Gu, and even used Marshal Gu's aunt to try to kill Mrs. Gu. We also did this out of helplessness. of."

"Being helpless? A mere deputy hall master, why are you so helpless? Without the hall master's permission, you came out to act without permission. important?"

The two looked at each other, and knelt down in the void to repent: "Master Beixuan, please calm down, we already know that we made a mistake. After we go back, we will definitely conduct a review to the Hall Master!"

"If the review is useful, why do we need the law? If the review is useful, why do we need the canon?"

After hearing Bei Xuanmo's words, the two of them stared with horror.

"Master Beixuan, you... what are you going to do?"

Seeing Bei Xuanmo flying towards them, and the two people who had gathered together widened their eyes and tried to retreat back.

Helplessly, Beixuanmo's aura belonging to Lingzun was fully released at this moment, and the coercion suppressed the two of them, let alone escape, and it was very difficult for them to take a few steps back.

After all, the opponent was too close to them.

There is a big gap between them and each other.

"What to do? Of course, it is to clean up the house for your Palace Master. Black sheep like you, staying in the Soul Palace will sooner or later harm the Soul Palace!"

"No, no, no! You can't kill us! We are the high-level executives of the Soul Palace in Xizhou."

"Lord Beixuan, Hongyu is the mastermind of this matter, but she is not here. Please forgive us, we will never dare again!"

"Yes! After all, we are masters at the level of the Blue Spirit Emperor, the mainstay of the Soul Palace..."


Originally, he wanted to hear them say something before death, but as soon as he heard the words "mainstay", Bei Xuanmo exploded.

"It's just a bunch of mobs, a bunch of rat shit, you are also worthy of the mainstay?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't listen to the beeping of the two of them anymore, he waved his sleeves and attacked them.

This was the first time Hua Lixiao watched Beixuanmo kill someone. Although she was still in the fighter jet, she could deeply feel the coercion emanating from Beixuanmo.

The Spirit Venerable is the Spirit Venerable!Really powerful!
Even her fighter jet was unable to move because of the existence of Beixuan Mo.

The two Lanling Emperors kept begging for mercy while resisting Beixuanmo's attack weakly.

However, Beixuanmo didn't give them any chance and beheaded the two of them directly.

Yes, beheading!
The two fresh heads were cut off neatly by Beixuanmo. The next moment, their bodies exploded, but the heads were put into the storage space by Beixuanmo.

Seeing this, Hua Liming immediately got out of the fighter's cabin, took out a universe from the space and brought it with her.

Then, in the void where Beixuanmo and Gu Qianchou couldn't see anything, the souls of 30 Green Spirit Sages, 5 Qingling Emperors, and 2 Lanling Emperors had all been collected by Hua Lixiao in the Cosmos Bag.

(End of this chapter)

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