My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1081 She is right for you?

Chapter 1081 She is right for you?
In addition, did not make any transgressive things.

He begged her to give her three years. After three years, if she still wanted to leave, he would let her go.

But she never promised him from beginning to end.

At this moment, when he saw that Bei Xuanmo was going to take him away, would he be angry?Will you be sad?Will she be reluctant to leave?
Bei Xuanmo didn't know about Gu Qianchou's existence, and had already spoken out.So today, at this moment, she has to make a choice.

"Senior Sister Hua, don't hesitate anymore, Xizhou is too chaotic, and Gu Qianchou is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface. Now that he has 80 troops in his hand, I believe that Xizhou will fall into chaos in a short time. This place is no longer suitable for you gone."

"So you think she is suitable to follow you?"

A lingering voice suddenly appeared, startling Bei Xuanmo.

He watched Gu Qianchou and Huangfu Gongchen leave with his own eyes. When he saw them, they had already left Leicheng, and he had received the news that he just went to Leicheng from outside to meet Hua Lixiao. Just met her here.

So he was sure that Gu Qianchou had already left with Huangfu Gongchen before.

So, who was the person who spoke just now?

Is it really Gu Qianchou?
Bei Xuanmo stared into the distance without blinking.

There, a wave of purple spiritual power flowed, and soon gathered into a human form.

Bei Xuanmo's eyes froze suddenly, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Although in the eyes of others, Spiritual Venerables always appear like this, but only they themselves know that the reason why they can appear in such a strange way in the eyes of others is because their spiritual power can reach them one step ahead before they appear.

When the spiritual power reaches a specific location, a purple aura that can be seen with the naked eye will be produced there.

The aura is getting thicker and thicker, which means that their figures are getting closer and closer to the place where the aura is emitted.

When they rushed to the spiritual light at an extremely fast speed, it was the time when others saw their figures appear.

So many people think that Lingzun can condense his figure a little bit.

But it is not.

The purple aura is just a detection to the distance, or a bridge, and the spirit can pass through this bridge at an extremely fast speed that cannot even be captured by the naked eye, and appear in front of people .

To put it bluntly, it's because it's fast.

However, although Gu Qianchou's appearance method is the same as that of Lingzun, even most Lingzun can't see the clue, but he can see it.

The person who appeared in front of him at this moment was not Gu Qianchou himself.

This is just one of his avatars.

But... how is this possible?

How could Gu Qianchou have a clone?
Glancing at Beixuanmo, Gu Qianchou immediately appeared beside Hua Lixiao, stretched out his broad hand, and held Hua Lixiao's hand firmly in his palm, holding it firmly.After swearing his own sovereignty, he looked at Beixuan Mo provocatively and said, "I didn't expect that the dignified Prime Minister Zhongzhou You would be such a shameless person, trying to hit someone's wife while others were away."

Now that everything has been exposed, Bei Xuanmo doesn't want to act with Gu Qianchou any more, so he snorted coldly: "Don't call me so nasty, my sister Hua hasn't recognized your husband yet! Also, I'm Senior Sister Hua!" It was her two younger sisters who asked me to take Senior Sister Hua away."

(End of this chapter)

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