My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1082 Sue if you have the guts

Chapter 1082 Sue if you have the guts

"If you don't believe me about this matter, you can ask Senior Sister Hua! Senior Sister Hua promised to listen to my arrangement and take her away at any time."

Comparing with him? !

He was sent by his master, and with his wife backing him up, Gu Qianchou wouldn't even try to beat him to whoever was closer to him!

After hearing Bei Xuanmo's words, Gu Qianchou was really full of evil fire.

This shameless thing actually said that he was Xiao'er's family member.


Really stinky shameless!

But at this moment, Gu Qianchou didn't want to go to Hua Lixiao for verification.

In other words, at this moment, he did not dare to ask Hua Lixiao for verification.

He was afraid that once he asked for confirmation, Hua Lixiao would nod and tell him that she was indeed leaving.

After all, from the beginning to the present, she never promised to stay with her.

At this moment, Gu Qianchou was very disappointed, his heart seemed to be pinched by someone's hands, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Facing Beixuanmo's flamboyance, Gu Qianchou sneered and said: "Isn't it just to send her to her junior sister? Is there any place in the Hunyuan Continent that I, Gu Qianchou, can't go to?

Xiao'er is my wife, she will be escorted by my husband wherever she goes, so Master Beixuan won't bother her.Don't think that you can hold a chicken feather as a sword if you know a little about Xiao'er. She has already told me that Xiao'er is not Hua Yukun's daughter.So I also planned to take Xiao'er to find her relatives after the Wuzhou meeting. "

Bei Xuanmo glanced at Hua Lixiao resentfully, and asked in a secret voice: "Senior Sister Hua, why did you even tell this old fox such an important thing? Are you not afraid of being tricked by him?"

Hua Lixiao: "..."

These two people!

She didn't say that she was not Hua Yukun's daughter, but Gu Qianchou guessed it herself.But she was not afraid of being known by Gu Qianchou.

After getting along day and night for such a long time, she still has basic trust in Gu Qianchou.

At least, she and Gu Qianchou both have the same goal, which is to kill Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent.

Originally, I always wanted to find a time to connect Beixuanmo and Gu Qianchou so that they could join forces.

But these two people are like natural enemies, they don't like each other every time.How did this make her speak?
Seeing that Beixuan Mo was a bit embarrassed, Gu Qianchou immediately changed the subject and said: "When Master Beixuan saw this commander, he should know that this commander has been with Xiao'er all the time, right? He should also know that you just cleaned up the house Ben Shuai saw it with his own eyes, right?

So instead of thinking about abducting my wife from me, I might as well think about how I should put aside my relationship with Soul Palace.Since you and Xiao'er are also acquaintances, maybe I won't tell you, Great Emperor Zhongzhou, about Lord Beixuan's little secret. "

Hua Lixiao: "..." How shameless!
Bei Xuanmo was not in a hurry, instead he smiled slowly and said, "Oh, my prime minister is so scared!"

Gu Qianchou: "..."

"Gu Qianchou, if you really dare to sue Prime Minister Ben, Prime Minister Ben will dare to sue you. The moment you appeared just now, your figure didn't seem solid, right?

Although the way you appear on the stage looks the same as others, even Huangfu Gongchen can't tell the difference between you, but this Prime Minister knows that you are not Gu Qianchou!
In other words, you are Gu Qianchou, your thinking and strength can reach his height, but you are not him, but just his clone. "

(End of this chapter)

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