Chapter 1083
Seeing that Gu Qianchou still didn't change his expression after hearing his puncture, he cursed a fox in his heart, and said with a smile: "You said, if the prime minister ran to tell Huangfu Gongchen that he had more than one general, the one who was suspicious How will Emperor Xizhou treat you? Will he continue to let you hold 80 soldiers? Will he still believe in you before you attack him?"

Hua Lixiao: "..."

Both of them are so shameless, and the smell of gunpowder is so strong, what can she do to unite these two forces?
Gu Qianchou also said with a smile: "Ten days ago, Huangfu Gongchen was attacked again, and he told me that the people who attacked him were members of the Field Army, but according to my information, the mastermind behind the attack was Bei Xuan My lord! Tell me, if the commander-in-chief went to Zhongzhou to file a complaint and told the right prime minister who said you were actually a smiling tiger who stabbed you in the back, what do you think he would do to you?"

"Hehe, after a person's strength reaches the level of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual power will show a certain spiritual power attribute according to the person's affinity for the power of the five elements. Therefore, the spiritual power attribute of each person is whether he is still a spiritual power. At the holy level, it is basically determined. After reaching the level of Lingzun, the attribute of spiritual power will not be changed at will. However, there is one kind of person who is an exception.

This kind of person is called the darling of God, and is also a representative selected by the power of the five elements. This kind of person is called the body of the five elements.Although the Prime Minister is not as powerful as Marshal Gu, Marshal Gu does not know something. The Prime Minister is born with a good eye, and he can spy out the human system at a glance.

You said, if this prime minister tells your emperor that Xiao'er has the body of the earth spirit, and you have the body of the thunder spirit, after the thunder spirit body is injured, the best medicine is not the elixir, but the combination with the earth spirit. Physical intercourse, no matter how many injuries you have suffered before, once you have intercourse, you can recover. Could there be a good explanation for what happened on the day of the palace banquet? "

Hua Lixiao: "...!!" Did he see it?Didn't she tell him that she was an earth spirit?
"court death!"

Literally, Huangfu Gongchen can't even talk about Beixuanmo, let alone him.

He has never bothered to fight with others.

After the words fell, Gu Qianchou and Bei Xuanmo started fighting.

The speed of the two people's fight was so fast that Hua Lixiao couldn't see clearly at all, only two purple rays of light could be seen fighting together.

Hua Lixiao was worried, and shouted loudly: "Hey, we are all from our own family, you two stop fighting!"

However, it is obvious that this matter has nothing to do with being one of our own.

In fact, both of them had doubts about each other's identity, and they conducted careful and close investigations, which were quite effective.

But why didn't I say it before but said it at this time?
Obviously, this is a contest of self-esteem between men and men.

In the interlacing of lightning and flint, Hua Lixiao suddenly heard a sound.


There was a muffled sound, and Hua Lixiao's heart tightened.


Bei Xuanmo let out a scream, and his figure suddenly appeared in the air, his handsome right cheek swelled up quickly.

"Damn Gu Qianchou, why are you so scheming? Don't slap your face!"

With a curse, a deeper purple spiritual power burned on Beixuanmo's body, and he hit Gu Qianchou again with a "whoosh".


(End of this chapter)

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