My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1094 Two Ugly People

Chapter 1094 Two Ugly People
Seeing that both Gu Junyan and Bei Xuanmo were in such a hurry, Hua Lixiao, who had not participated in that war 20 years ago, spoke first.

"You two don't worry, we have a lot of time to talk slowly. Let me talk about me, Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Chen'er first."

Sensing the excitement of the two, there are countless secrets that they want to find out from each other, so Hua Lixiao simply said it first.

"But you should take a pill first. Looking at the faces of the two of you, I think it's against harmony!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and quickly took out the elixir from their arms.

Slowly, the swelling on Gu Junyan's face completely disappeared, and he turned into a handsome and handsome young man.But it was obvious that Gu Junyan's attack was much heavier, because Bei Xuanmo's face was still swollen after taking the elixir.

Hua Lixiao: "..."

Bei Xuanmo: "..."

Looking at Gu Qianchou resentfully, the secret voice said: I feel that you may be a brother who has been lost for many years, so I am merciful when I attack you!

Gu Qianchou: "..."

The secret voice of sorry reached Beixuanmo's ears: I'm sorry brother, I mistook you for an enemy, just now I really wanted to ruin your face and disfigure you for the rest of your life!
Bei Xuanmo: "..." Sure enough, it's just a pretense!
Hua Lixiao didn't know what the two of them were doing privately, and said: "We come from a plane called Earth. I don't know how far it is from the Hunyuan Continent, but it's not on this plane anyway.

I am the senior sister, Xiao Tian'er is ranked second, and Xiao Chen'er Ye Chuchen is the junior junior sister.We are all orphans, and we have learned arts from our master Tong Tian Dao Chang since childhood. "

Gu Junyan's eyes lit up, and his face was full of admiration: "I have always wondered why Dao Talisman and Inscription Art, which have been lost for a long time in this world, can be used with ease in your hands. It turns out that you are really a disciple of Daoist Master Tongtian."

"Senior Sister Hua, I adore you so much!"

Although he is a phoenix and a divine beast, Beixuanmo still knows that Taoist Master Tongtian is as powerful as his lord Fengqing.

Even stronger than the protagonist Feng Qing.

He seems to be beyond the Three Realms and Six Realms.

"Master knows almost everything, so the training of the three of us is also diversified. I am the most talented in Taoism, and I like to delve into heresy ways, so the master focused on training me in Taoism, inscription patterns and arrays. .

Xiao Tian'er was born with yin and yang eyes and blood of nine yin, so his master trained him to be a powerful onmyoji.In our world, almost all zongzi... um, ghosts, will run away when they hear Xiaotian'er's name.

Xiao Chen'er was once a descendant of a family of medicine and poison, so the master focused on cultivating her ability in medicine and medicine.

Before, we didn't understand why Master would teach Xiao Chen'er those poisons that are enough to kill people, not to mention poisonous enough to kill ten tyrannosaurus rex in an instant. I know, it turns out that Xiao Tian'er is a soul brought out by Master from the Hunyuan Continent.Her parents had died in a war, and one day she would return to the Hunyuan Continent to avenge her parents.

I grew up with Xiao Chen'er and Xiao Tian'er, and we love each other like sisters.So after Master told about Xiao Tian'er's life experience, Xiao Chen'er and I decided to come here with Xiao Tian'er.

Master sent us here, but after entering this continent, the three of us were scattered in Outland, Beizhou and Xizhou respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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