Chapter 1095
Master said, we say that we have our own destiny, but our destiny is tied together, so no matter where we are scattered, we will always meet.

As a result, on the day we got married, with the help of Feng Yun, Xiao Tian'er got in touch with me using brainwaves.But at that time, I was afraid that your connection would be discovered by you, so I cut off the connection after only a few words in a hurry. "

Gu Junyan looked at Hua Lixiao apologetically: My fault!it's all my fault!Everything is my fault!

"Afterwards, I fled. I fled for a month and came to Leicheng, and I was caught by you again. After that, I met Beixuanmo at the palace banquet. He told me that he was sent by Fengyun, so I So I got in touch with him and prepared to leave at any time when I saw the right time."

Hearing this, Gu Junyan let out a heavy breath.

"It's okay! Fortunately, you haven't left yet! Fortunately, Xiao'er, you didn't leave before! Otherwise... I would have missed all of you!"

"What about you? How did you survive that war? And how did you become the body of Thunder Spirit?" Bei Xuanmo asked.

Gu Junyan sighed, but the sound of the sigh was mixed with a tremor.

This is the deepest wound in his heart, no matter how much time has passed, every time he thinks about it, the wound will be torn bloody.

"My thunder spirit body was awakened on the battlefield. At that time, my brother was leading 20 strikers to fight against demons, but my thunder spirit body suddenly awakened. The sudden violent spiritual power made me almost unable to suppress it. Master Seeing my clues, he took me to a secret place and forcibly suppressed the power of thunder spirit in my body. After that, my power of thunder spirit never erupted again on the battlefield.

Half a month later, at the moment of our tragic victory, Di Qianzhong entered the battlefield with 20 masters in an attempt to put us to death.

At that time, the senior brother had already been seriously injured, and none of the remaining 7 Dongzhou soldiers were physically intact, even the master and aunt were injured.We simply can't afford to fight anymore.

The senior brother was the first to rush towards Di Qianzhong.His speed was so fast that the master didn't even have time to stop him.Then he blew himself up. "

Having said this, Gu Junyan's voice choked up for a moment.

Hua Lixiao stretched out her hand, and took the initiative to hold Gu Qianchou for the first time, no, it should be Gu Junyan's hand.

Although Gu Junyan's narration is very plain, Hua Lixiao can still feel the deep sadness and pain that will never go away in his heart.

Feeling the warm tenderness of Hua Lixiao, Gu Qianchou miraculously calmed down a little excitedly, took a deep breath and continued: "After senior brother blew himself up, the rest of the brothers also rushed up to blew themselves up in an instant. , perish with the enemy.

At that time, in order to create a large-scale explosion and make the enemy come and go, all of us self-destructed in an instant.

My master, my aunt and I rushed into the explosion area almost at the same time.It is not too far from the Wanzhang Cliff.However, when I tried to use my spiritual power to self-destruct, I found that I couldn't move my whole body, and I couldn't even speak.

In horror, I looked at my master and my aunt, but they looked at me with a smile on their faces, and then emitted a fierce light.

Since they are existences above the peak of Ling Zun, when their bodies burst into light, all the enemies ran for their lives in fear, even Di Qianzhong was no exception. "

 The building is built! The 2nd, 7th and 12th floors are the winning floors.The rules are the same as before.

(End of this chapter)

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