My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1096 The Ordinary Man

Chapter 1096 The Ordinary Man
Even Di Qianzhong couldn't resist the joint self-destruction of master and mistress.The people present, as long as they are within a hundred miles, no one can not be affected.So no one knew that there was another person who survived the explosion.

At the moment when Master and Auntie blew themselves up, a ray of Master's spiritual thoughts wrapped me up and pushed my body into the bottom of the cliff.

I heard a huge explosion above the cliff, and knew that Master and Auntie had fallen at this moment, but I couldn't do anything.

I don't know if Master has already discovered the secret under the cliff.The place where I fell turned out to be a secret cave.The depth of the dense cave is [-] meters.Coupled with the self-explosion of the master and aunt, an avalanche occurred above.That's why I slipped through the net and was not discovered by Di Qianzhong and any people from Central Continent.

I can only move when the divine sense that master has imprisoned me completely disappears.But I know that things have changed on the top of the cliff.

Although there is a destructive hatred in my heart.But I know that I am not Di Qianzhong's opponent at all, even if he is injured by Master's self-explosion at this moment, I am still not his opponent.

Fortunately, at the suggestion of Daoist Tong Tian, ​​I used the resources of the Gu family to train a team of 20 people in total, 18 of whom were at the level of spiritual masters, and the remaining 2 were half-step spiritual masters.Over hundreds of years, they have established a total of 20 first-class forces on this continent.And they made me acquainted with 47 allied forces, of which, 10 are first-rate forces, and the rest are top-level second-rate forces.

During the Eastern Continent War, Master asked me to keep this power.If we have an accident, this force will surely become Di Qianzhong's nightmare.

I didn't expect that I could survive, but since I have survived, I want to avenge my master, aunt, senior brother, everyone in my Gu family, and the millions of soldiers in Dongzhou. "

"So, you came to Xizhou in an attempt to seize the position of Huangfu Gongchen, become the new emperor of Xizhou, and then mobilize millions of soldiers from Xizhou to attack Zhongzhou?" Hua Lixiao couldn't help but interjected and asked.

Aware of his suicidal SS-like behavior, and his shameful desire to have a love before his death, and his thoughts of wanting Hua Lixiao to be by his side were seen through, Gu Junyan instantly felt guilty and nervous.

He must avenge his dead relatives and comrades-in-arms.But he likes Hua Liming, and it is true that he is not willing to let her go like this.

"Xiao'er, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to deceive you. I like you and want to be with you. But...but I am a person who should have died 20 years ago, so..."

"So you think you will die in the near future. So you didn't let me stay with you forever, but just let me stay by your side for three years. After three years, you will give me a divorce letter. Do you explain, you three Years later, are you going to die?"

Hearing Hua Lixiao's words, even Beixuanmo beside him couldn't help frowning.

"Xiao'er, I'm sorry, I'm selfish." At this moment, Gu Junyan felt ashamed, and said in a hoarse voice: "I know I shouldn't be so selfish, after knowing that you are not the real Hua Lixiao, you have other relatives I should have let you go.

But I can't do it.Really can't do it.I am human, an ordinary man. "

(End of this chapter)

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