Chapter 1097

"Although I was full of revenge after the big battle, but when love came unexpectedly, I would also feel reluctant, distressed, sad, and possessive.

You are like a light in my life, illuminating my dark world.So I can't bear to let go, I can't bear to let this light disappear. "

After all, Gu Junyan smiled bitterly: "I thought it would take three years for you to find out about my dirty thoughts, but I didn't expect you to find out now. Now you want to blame me, blame me, or even...leave me , I accept both."

Seeing Hua Lixiao's lush green hands still covering the back of his hands, Gu Junyan couldn't help but want to reach out and hold them, but he didn't dare.

Before Hua Lixiao gave him a definite answer, he didn't dare to go beyond the slightest.

Beixuanmo, who had always been against Gu Junyan and found him extremely unpleasant, was silent for the first time at this moment.

Undoubtedly, I also like Senior Sister Hua.But he also knows that this liking has not risen to the height of love.

Before, I didn't want Hua Lixiao and Gu Junyan to be together. It was because Gu Junyan himself was living a precarious life, and he didn't know when he would die.

That's why he joined in and stirred up the shit vigorously, even if Hua Liming didn't like him, as a qualified protector, he also hoped to mess up the two of them.

But now, this precarious person has suddenly turned into the Lord's most beloved junior.He has no way to destroy it.

Not only was there no way to destroy it, but considering how hard Gu Junyan had been in the past 20 years, he even hoped that their lovers would eventually get married.

Watching Hua Lixiao slowly remove her hand from the back of her hand, Gu Junyan's heart also fell silent.The eyes that were shining like stars a moment ago, burning with the light of hope, as the hand got farther and farther away from him, the dazzling stars in the eyes also gradually dimmed, until they turned into ashes.

If Hua Lixiao had never promised him, maybe he wouldn't be so uncomfortable right now?

However, she had clearly promised Rui'er to stay before, so why did she leave again?So people really can't have dirty selfish desires, right?Otherwise, the more you want and the more you try to get it, the faster you will lose it.

Losing it after owning it... This feeling is as if the heart has been lingering.

Unknowingly, she has already weighed so much in my heart.

At this moment, Gu Junyan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. Although he found his senior brother and his cousin, such family affection still couldn't heal the wound in his heart that had been tortured.

However, at the next moment, Gu Junyan, who lowered his head and didn't want to show his painful expression, felt his eyes go dark, and a black shadow covered him.

He raised his head in surprise, and Hua Lixiao's cold and beautiful face instantly magnified in front of him.

Before he could react, his lips were touched by something soft.


At this moment, Gu Junyan only felt his brain explode.

Don't talk about thinking, he has tinnitus now.

The one-touch touch was extremely short, so short that before Gu Junyan could react, everything was over.

However, he realized that he was kissed.

Still, Xiaoer took the initiative to kiss her.

Although he only smelled her fragrance briefly...

(End of this chapter)

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