My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1099: Heavenly Dao Wheel Chapter

Chapter 1099 Heaven's Path Reincarnation
"With me, Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Chen'er here, we will not die. The law of heaven reincarnates, good and evil are rewarded, it's not that there is no retribution, the time has not yet come."

At this moment, Gu Junyan felt as if he was stepping on a ball of cotton that was slowly rising, and he was so happy that he was about to go to heaven.

He has never experienced this kind of happiness and joy from the heart for 20 years.

"Yeah." Gu Junyan nodded: "None of us will die. We will kill our enemies and live happily together. You, Xiao Tianer and my senior brother, we will all be happy! At that time, I can still hold my own Introduced to Xiao Chen'er by her brother, so that she can also find someone she can rely on in this world."

When it comes to Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen, Hua Lixiao's eyes become extra soft.She smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about that. Xiao Chen'er is Qinglong Muhun's woman, Qinglong has found her, and now they are a fiancée."

"What? Qinglong? He... Hasn't he fallen 500 years ago?" Even if the divine beast can gather spirits again, it is still far from being able to marry a wife and have children, right?
"Mu Hun didn't die back then, he just suffered a serious injury and forgot the past. Now he and Xiao Chen'er are together, they are a very happy couple."

Gu Junyan: "..."

Happiness comes too suddenly.

The wind is warm and the clouds are moving, and the birds are dancing in the blue sky.

The sky, which was always gray and dark in his eyes, suddenly became colorful at this moment.

So all these years, he has been planning revenge and attacks with all his heart.What kind of excitement did you miss?
Thinking of his senior brother, Gu Junyan couldn't wait to ask again: "Feiyang, it's up to you. My senior brother is..."

"Di Wushang."

Gu Junyan opened his eyes: "What?"

He felt he must be hallucinating.

"Di Wushang." Bei Xuanmo said the name of his master's body again.


Gu Junyan was shocked for a long time before slowly uttering a few words——

"Damn it! Isn't senior brother very dangerous? Di Qianzhong is not only the top expert in this continent, but also a scheming villain. Senior brother is now his son, isn't he under his surveillance all the time? Under? And when you were planning to take Xiaoer away just now, you said that the senior brother was recruited back, so you have to leave too, will he be in danger?"

At this moment, Gu Junyan's whole heart was tightened, and he looked worried.

"The Lord is a smart man, he will have a way to deal with it. You don't have to worry too much."

"Then tell me about my brother's situation in the past 20 years. And you. Because Daoist Tongtian doesn't allow us two brothers to tell anyone about our power, so brother doesn't understand my power, and neither do I. Senior brother’s power. He only knows that there are 20 Spiritual Venerables behind me. I also only know the existence of your four 'Flying Generation' guards. Also, does the soul hall belong to senior brother?"

Bei Xuanmo nodded: "The four major forces under the lord's command, the flying dragon is named Yunluo, and is in charge of the Anbu. I have been under the command of Emperor Qianzhong of Zhongzhou, and the lord wins over the courtiers. Feichen is called Mengcheng and is in charge of the Soul Palace. He is Li Jue, the richest man in the Hunyuan Continent, responsible for recruiting soldiers and at the same time in charge of the Tianji Pavilion.

Now we have 40 troops and 20 manpower.Although they are all above the level of the Green Spirit Saint, but a mere 60 is still far from enough if they want to fight God a thousand times. "

(End of this chapter)

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