Chapter 1100
"That's why I wanted to cooperate with you when I learned that you have 80 soldier symbols. So when I was blocked by you before, I deliberately tested you."

Gu Junyan nodded: "I'm also testing you, and I also want to cooperate with you, so when you attacked me, I only hit your face, not your body."

"You, still, say!" Damn, his face hasn't completely swelled yet, and his hands are really dark enough!
Looking at Beixuanmo's dark complexion with the look of a pig's head, Gu Junyan's heart felt dark.

Let alone senior brother's subordinate, even if senior brother came to snatch his woman, he would not hold back.

Gu Junyan smiled slightly: "Now I hold 80 soldier talismans, and sooner or later the throne of Emperor Xizhou will be mine, so I should have 100 million soldiers in hand by then. In addition, I can mobilize 10 soldiers under my command.

Also, the three generals Mo Weiyan, Fan Fu, and Ji Chongguang still have 30 soldiers under their command, plus the 10 soldiers who were killed by Huangfu Gongchen some time ago have actually surrendered to General Mo, so here we can There are 150 million troops. "

Bei Xuanmo's eyes widened, and he said happily: "Are the three old generals still alive?"

"Well." Gu Junyan nodded: "Emperor Yuchi was the first to discover Di Qianzhong's betrayal, so Di Qianzhong acted first and let the monsters erode his body, which led to the final death of Emperor Yuchi. Emperor Yuchi is still alive At that time, his spiritual consciousness was already unclear, but he still found a way to inform the three generals before he died. The three generals preserved their vitality. Now the three generals trust me, and I am the one who controls the 30 people."

"At the beginning, the emperor suspected that Emperor Yuchi's death was not caused by madness. This Emperor Qianzhong is simply a scum! Fortunately, Marshal Mo and the three of them survived, so that the efforts of Emperor Yuchi will not be completely wasted." Bei Xuan Mo sighed, and had a new evaluation of Di Qianzhong's shamelessness.

"No matter how many troops there are, they are only useful when dealing with monsters. If our overall strength is not strong enough, we have a way to fight against Di Qianzhong and his lackeys."

After all, Gu Junyan looked at Bei Xuanmo and asked, "What level is senior brother now?"

"Second-level spiritual master."

Gu Junyan frowned: "Senior brother has such a serious obsession with cleanliness. After he is reborn on Di Wushang's body, he will immediately reshape his body with the fire of Nirvana. Senior brother is the body of a royal phoenix. After reaching the level of Lingzun, his strength will increase rapidly. Why is it that 20 years have passed, and he still stays above the second-level Spirit Venerable?"

"This was already two months ago. I don't know how strong the Lord is now."

So Bei Xuanmo told Gu Junyan that Feng Yun was unable to use the Feng Clan's secret technique and could only rely on pills to maintain his life.

After hearing Bei Xuanmo's words, a smile appeared on Gu Junyan's face.

"It seems that Tian'er and senior brother are indeed a match made in heaven. I only hope that senior brother can improve his cultivation in these two months."

"Don't worry. My lord, the meridians were once suppressed, so there was no progress for 20 years. Now that the meridian problem has been solved, the cultivation base must have increased rapidly in the past two months. After all, with the accumulation of these 20 years plus With the Phoenix bloodline, even if the master's strength does not reach the sixth level of the Spiritual Venerable, he can still reach the fifth level of the Spiritual Venerable."

(End of this chapter)

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