My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1101 Anxious Ruby

Chapter 1101 Anxious Ruby

Gu Junyan's eyes lit up: "Senior brother said before that the four of you share his fate, if his strength increases, you will also grow, if his strength regresses, you will also regress, right?"

Bei Xuanmo nodded: "That's right. We are the guardian beasts of the lord. We don't need to practice, and our strength will change according to the strength of the lord."

"Then what level are you now?"

"Level four. But I'm not the chief guard. The master's chief guard is Feichen. If Feichen's strength can reach level five or above, then the master's strength has already reached level six."

As long as he reaches the fourth level or above, Feng Yun will be able to practice the heaven-defying spells that Daoist Tongtian once gave to the two brothers, which is the avatar that he can use with ease now.

In this way, if he stays in Central Continent and has his avatar to take care of him, the danger will be much less!
While speaking, Gu Rui had already caught five pheasants and came back.

"so much?"

Hua Lixiao looked at the chicken that Gu Rui grabbed from the space ring, and was slightly taken aback.

"Daddy and Uncle Beixuan are foodies, so it's definitely not enough for each of them to have a chicken. Rui'er also wants to eat Aunt Hua's beggar's chicken..."

Anyway, the implication is that he is afraid that those two foodies will eat his share.

Anyway, in short, the three men in front of me, no matter how big or small, are all foodies!
The sky gradually darkened, and the sky was filled with rays of light.

The four of them just stayed at the edge of an unknown jungle for a whole afternoon.

Eating delicious food and chatting about life in the past 20 years, at this moment, Gu Junyan is extremely grateful for God's gift to him.

Not only did he return his cousin to him, he also returned his senior brother to him, and he also sent him his fate from another world, making his heart belong.

From today onwards, he will never feel lonely again, never feel like he is fighting alone.

Because he has a wife, a brother, and a family!

Xizhou, Soul Hall.

Hongyu couldn't stand it, she lay down in the bedroom for a while and then stood up and walked impatiently, feeling extremely bored.

Today she sent 2 Blue Linghuang, 5 Qinglinghuang and 30 Green Lingsheng to intercept and kill Hua Lixiao, but they went in the morning, and they have not returned until now, and her family-inherited dagger It was not returned to her hands.

At this moment, Hongyu panicked.

Originally, she was [-]% certain, certain, and sure that she could kill Hua Lixiao's interception, but at this moment she doubted it.

Could it be that Hua Lixiao is still packing her things?

I can't!

Even if the things in the Gu mansion were valuable, it wouldn't take her such a long time to clean them up as a housewife.There are many servants in Gu's mansion who are responsible for packing and transporting.

Take a little something important, will you get it from morning to now?

Her people have been ambushing there since she left Gu's mansion in the morning, but they haven't come back yet, what does this mean?
Hongyu's eyes narrowed slightly, her complexion was already so dark that it was almost dripping with ink, her beautiful, even exquisite face was twisted ferociously at this moment.

"Hua, Fu, Xiao! You bastard! If you dare to kill someone from the Hall of Souls, the Lord of the Hall will definitely be with you forever!"

Hongyu felt extremely resentful, but also extremely terrified.

After all, she is only the deputy hall master in the soul hall, and above her, there is another hall master who is responsible for taking care of her.

These are not what she fears the most.

The person she fears the most is Meng Cheng, the master of the Hall of Souls.

If this matter is revealed, then what awaits her is definitely an extremely severe punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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