My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1102 Miss is a good match

Chapter 1102 Miss is a good match
Hongyu quickly calculated in her mind whether she had made any mistakes in this plan.

After making sure that no one saw them when they were arranged to leave, the flustered heart calmed down a little.

Even if Hua Lixiao comes to the door with her "ghost soul", she can still defend herself.

This dagger was borrowed by Hu Ziqi, and it was borrowed a few days ago. Many people can testify for her.She didn't know what Hu Ziqi was doing with the dagger, and she couldn't blame her at all.Even if she is responsible, it is only the responsibility of poor supervision.No one can pin the shit pot of murder on her head.

Thinking of this, Hongyu became more stable.

At this moment, the servant girl just opened the door and entered.

Before she had time to salute her, Hongyu walked up to her quickly and asked, "How is it? Have the people returned? Have you found out their whereabouts?"

The servant girl looked at Hongyu in horror, and the next moment, a clear and loud "slap" slap came out, and the servant girl was slapped before she could speak.

"You maidservant, if I ask you something, you should hurry up and say it! Hemming and hawing, what exactly are you trying to say? Are you going to kill me?"

"Miss, big... something is wrong!"

Seeing the servant girl kneeling violently on the ground, Hong Yu's face also turned paler.Holding his breath, he pretended to be calm and asked, "What happened?"

"Gu...Marshal Gu is here!"

"What?" Ruby's complexion froze instantly.

"Why did he come? Hua Lixiao has safely returned to the Marshal's Mansion? How is this possible? Are the guardians back?"

"The servants don't know either. None of the protectors came back. Only Marshal Gu came alone. When the master saw the servants, he asked the servants to come and inform, and please go to the main hall, miss. But... but the servants saw the expression on the master's face It seems ugly."


It's over! It's over!

There was a bang in Hongyu's mind.

At this moment, she felt reckless.

But today's opportunity is so good, even if time goes back, she will still do this!

Hua Lixiao was surrounded by only one strong Lanling Emperor, and the remaining thousand black armored guards were all at the level of Huang Lingsheng. How could Hua Lixiao escape?
"Miss, what should I do?" the maid asked anxiously.

Hongyu's face was gloomy, and she was silent for a while and said: "The people sent out today are all our confidantes, and they will not betray me."

The servant girl also nodded: "The servant girl thinks so too. The people who are sent out today are worthy of our trust."

"Damn Hua Lixiao, did she think that if she sued me, Brother Gu would become an enemy with me because of this? What a shameless woman!"

The maid also smiled and said: "Yes, Marshal Gu and Miss are a match made in heaven. Not only is Miss beautiful, she is also the saint at the headquarters of the Soul Palace and the deputy head of the sub-helm. With the support of Miss, what is the position of his Grand Marshal?" Can't sit still?
And the competition is about to start, how important is it for the Generalissimo to get the support of the Dongzhou forces?Now that he has retaken the post of Generalissimo, he will never give up Dongzhou as an ally. "

There was a smile on the corner of Hongyu's lips: "It's a pity, Hua Lixiao didn't understand things that even you understand. In the past, she was also the daughter of the prime minister's mansion in Xizhou, so we should be wary of Hua Yu when we deal with her." That old thief Kun."

(End of this chapter)

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