My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1111 The Reason of Chapter Palace

Chapter 1111 The reason for returning to the palace

"Early this morning?! Why didn't you arrive until early this morning? Do you know that if you fail to show up at the banquet, Father will definitely not spare you?" Di Wudao frowned.

No wonder he went to King Jin's mansion yesterday, and the people in the mansion told him that King Jin hadn't come back yet.Originally, he thought that Di Wushang didn't see him behind closed doors because something happened, but he didn't expect that this guy just came back this morning.What a big heart!

"This...don't hide it, Brother Huang, because there were several interceptions on the road, and my brother's life was almost lost. It is not easy to appear here to reunite with you. Brother Huang, don't scare me any more. The younger brother."

"What?" When Di Wudao heard this, his expression changed drastically.The whole face was almost black with drops of ink.

"Brother Qi, I really didn't deceive you about this matter."

Di Wudao raised his hand slightly to stop him from speaking further.

"The king already knows about this matter."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, looking like he didn't understand why the other party knew.

"Because King Yu's soul orb has been shattered."


This time, not only Feng Yun showed surprise, but even Di Wuxing beside him was also surprised.

"Brother Eleven is surrounded by Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu, two powerful spiritual masters, and he is the prince of Zhongzhou. Who is so bold to kill him?"

Di Wudao didn't miss the shock that flashed in the depths of their eyes, and he became more and more sure of his guess.

This matter must have been done by either Di Wutian or Di Wuzheng.

Originally, when Emperor Yu Wuhen died, his first object of suspicion was his sixth child, Emperor Wu Wudi.After all, Di Wudi and Di Wuhen often had undercurrents in order to win his attention and attention.

But after Di Wuhen died, he secretly spent a lot of time investigating Di Wudi, and it turned out that Di Wudi did not kill Di Wuhen.

So he shifted his gaze to Di Wushang.

Although Di Wushang was the weakest in martial arts among the 17 princes, he did not forget that he was also the youngest among them.And one of the most talented.

But after hearing that he was also attacked, Di Wudao was in a bad mood.

He already hated Di Wutian and Di Wuzheng in his heart, but now this hatred is even stronger.

While speaking, four more princes arrived and greeted Feng Yun, Di Wudao and Di Wuxing.

Di Wudao was so angry that he lost his mind and stayed at the door. After greeting Feng Yun, he flew straight towards the dreamlike palace in the air.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong?" Xin Wang Di Wushun looked at Di Wudao

"Brother Eleven was killed." Feng Yun said.


Everyone was shocked, but their eyes showed joy.

Tianjia is ruthless.

Especially born in an emperor's family like Central Continent, there is nothing left between brothers except life and death struggles.

"Brothers, do you know why the emperor called us back to the palace this time?"

The one who asked the question was Cheng Wangdi Wuzhang, who was ranked sixteenth.When questioning, he instinctively ignored Emperor Jin Wushang who was inferior to him.

"do not know."

Everyone shook their heads.It is strange for Di Qianzhong to call everyone back suddenly this time.

"Could it be because the eleventh brother was killed and the father wants to find the murderer?"

As Di Wuxing said, everyone shook their heads.

Although Di Wuhen's death was a major event, their father would not call them back just because of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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