My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1112 The Weird Emperor Zhong

Chapter 1112 The Weird Emperor Qianzhong
"The banquet will start in an hour, and everyone will know the reason by then. Brother Qian Wang and Brother Yong haven't arrived yet, I'm afraid they have already gone in with the other emperor brothers, why don't we Go in." Feng Yun reminded.

"Alright. The three royal brothers should have arrived earlier than us. Let's go in first and greet Father Royal!"

Under the ruthless leadership of the fifth prince, Emperor Jin, a group of princes from the Tian family flew towards the "Palace of Heaven" amidst the astonishment of the onlookers.

They were all tall and handsome, and almost half of them had inherited the dazzling silver-gray hair color of Emperor Zhongzhou.

All of them were wearing black dark gold python robes, lined up side by side and flying towards the Heavenly Palace, like a few giant dragons rising into the sky.Each one can bring people an infinite sense of oppression.

But who can know that these princes are just superficial scenery?
Except for those three who were willing to return to the palace, the rest would rather develop their own power outside and never return to the palace.

Emperor Qianzhong has not summoned the princes back to the palace for three full years.This time is the first time in 3 years.Everyone must return to the palace within three months to attend the palace banquet on the second day of February when the dragon raises its head.

Di Qianzhong was an eclectic person, even the early court was attended by others on his behalf, let alone the palace banquet.Because everyone in the mainland is now an ant to him.

Ants are not qualified to let him hold a banquet.

He has weak family values ​​and indifferent awareness of family affection.In the hearts of the princes, he is a person who can't understand and see clearly.

Although everyone is the son of the Great Emperor of Central Continent standing on the top of the continent, no one really knows their father.

Let's say he values ​​his reputation. No matter how much people outside ridicule him, he will not use high-pressure methods to suppress people.

Let's say he is powerful. After destroying Xizhou and Dongzhou, he has no intention of governing.Xizhou, at least sent a prime minister to sit in charge.Although only one prime minister was sent, other than that, he didn't even give a single soldier from Zhongzhou.But at least it's managed.But Dongzhou! ! !
Ling Xiao has been dead for 20 years, but he has not sent anyone to take charge of it.This resulted in a situation where the 17 princes carve up and erode Dongzhou.

Let's say he values ​​family affection... Hehe.Anyway, others absolutely cannot kill his son, he is still a relatively protective person.If anyone dared to kill the son of Emperor Qianzhong, it would definitely not be as simple as destroying the Nine Clans.

But for the sake of the honor of blood, there is not a single princess in the entire Central Continent Imperial Palace.Because all girls are born to die.And those princes whose bloodlines were not pure enough and who might have bad talents in the future would also be personally killed by him after birth.

Let's say he is a dedicated person, his harem concubine has [-] if not [-].

Say that he is an amorous person, but now he only favors Concubine Huan.The three thousand beauties in the harem are far from being evenly exposed to the rain and dew, and the three thousand are only favored by Concubine Huan.

Anyway... no one can figure it out!

All the princes in Central Continent can't understand their father.I don't know what he wants to do, what he wants to do, and what he plans to do to this continent.

Xiaoyao Palace is the sleeping palace of Emperor Qianzhong.

That's right, it's called Xiaoyao Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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