My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1129 Envy, Jealousy, Hate

Chapter 1129 Envy, Jealousy, Hate

In order not to be spotted by other women, the Lord also worked hard.

Such a motherly expression can actually appear on that handsome face.

Even Di Qianzhong, who had been watching the performance of the princes, coughed unbearably at this moment, as a reminder not to go too far.

But Feng Yun could feel that when each of the princes introduced themselves, Di Qianzhong threw a cold killing intent on them.

And she had murderous intentions towards him.

But after he uttered that self-introduction, the killing intent dissipated in an instant.

Although he didn't understand the woman that Di Qianzhong liked, why he didn't go for it himself, but pushed it to his sons.But Feng Yun also knew that his crisis was over.

At least among the 12 princes today, he is the only one who will not be listed as a hunting target by Emperor Qianzhong.


Since he has a feeling for the breath of the monster, will the monster feel the breath of his divine beast?
Due to lack of understanding, Feng Yun could only take one step at a time.

The Central Continent Imperial Palace has never lacked monsters. If those monsters hadn't discovered his existence before, they shouldn't be able to find out now.


Just when everyone thought that he had a brain problem and would definitely not be favored by Princess Yunpin, Princess Yunpin, who was sitting in a high position, burst out laughing.

"His Royal Highness, you didn't want to marry me, so you said that on purpose, right?"

Almost as soon as Feng Ling's words fell, Feng Yun felt the murderous aura coming from all directions.

And that extremely cold murderous aura also gathered again.

Seeing this, Bei Xuanmo below couldn't help clenching his hands tightly in his sleeves.

Feng Yun's complexion changed, and his face turned red in an instant.

"Princess Yunpin, everything this king said is true. I really want to win the favor of the princess. If the princess doesn't believe me, I can make a vow of thunder disaster on the spot."

Before leaving, the sister-in-law gave him five charms, saying that the sister-in-law gave him them.It is used to eliminate the Thunder Tribulation Oath.

Although Di Qianzhong may find out if he uses it here, but since Di Qianzhong likes Feng Ling so much, I am afraid that even if he sees the clue, he will not care about him.

But Feng Ling once again broke Feng Yun's thoughts.

"No, even if you want to swear, I can't bear it."

reluctant! !Can't... get...

Everyone's eyes widened instantly.

Especially those princes.

They don't understand why they are so good, Yunpin County Master didn't take a fancy to them, but instead fell in love with someone who didn't have the support of his mother clan and had no brains. Another prince.

For a time, unwillingness, jealousy and resentment emerged in everyone's eyes.

Especially Qian Wang, Yong Wang and Qi Wang, the three princes who were most likely to become heirs, looked at Feng Yun at this moment as if they had been poisoned.

Even Di Qianzhong, who had let go of his killing intent on him just now, suddenly became murderous after hearing these words.

Feng Yun's eyes also suddenly became darker.

It seemed that the last thing he wanted to happen had happened.

He also didn't believe that such a favored Princess Yunpin would choose him over other better princes.

The only possibility is that this monster has taken a fancy to his divine beast's body.Although he doesn't know what the other party wants to do, but today, he must be doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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