My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1130 Rejection

Chapter 1130 Rejection
Princess Yunpin just stared at Fengyun with spring in her eyes. In her beautiful eyes, not to mention the rival in love, even Beixuanmo could see the full friendship of the other party.

This is really a dog!

Where the hell did this troublesome princess come from?
"Ling'er, are you...fancy King Jin?"

Feng Ling stood up from his seat, smiled shyly at Di Qianzhong and said, "Uncle, please make decisions for Ling'er and King Jin!"

The princes: "...!!"

why? ? ?
Except that Di Wushang looks most like their father, what else is better than them?
If you like Di Wushang's appearance so much, why marry him?Wouldn't it be good to marry our father?
Everyone looked at Feng Yun angrily, feeling that he was a sinner for the whole people.

"Hehehe..." The empress phantom suddenly laughed, and said to Di Qianzhong, who still had a doting smile on her lips, "Shengjun, this is the first time I have seen Ling'er show such an expression to a man. What a look! Shengjun, it seems that Ling'er really likes King Jin! If so, please ask Shengjun to do this for Ling'er, and let her little daughter's family have her heart."

At this moment, Di Qianzhong also shifted his gaze to Feng Yun again.

This ruthless father, who was always high above the princes, put a smile on his son for the first time.

At the moment when they saw Di Qianzhong's smile, all the princes felt bitter in their hearts.

Especially Qian Wang, Yong Wang and Qi Wang.

It was not easy for the three of them to survive in the murderous palace, and they became the strong at the level of Lingzun, and they were qualified to compete for the position of crown prince.Unexpectedly, a sudden palace banquet and an inexplicable blind date made the youngest emperor who was never valued by them step on their shoulders.

How can they bear this breath?

Slowly, jealousy turned into a strong killing intent.

If you have the ability to marry Yunpin Princess, go and marry, for fear that if you want to marry, you will have no life to enjoy!

After hearing what the empress said, Di Qianzhong nodded with a smile: "Since Ling'er has taken a fancy to King Jin, then I..."


Before Di Qianzhong finished speaking, Feng Yun interrupted him.

Under the astonished gazes of all the princes, Feng Yun got up from his seat and knelt down on one knee.

When his knees were 0.01 centimeters from the ground, Kankan stopped his figure, and "kneeled" down in a posture that seemed to be kneeling, but never let his knees touch the ground.

"I'm not willing to marry Princess Yunpin."

After saying a word, almost everyone gasped.

"Shang'er, have you been threatened by something? Why did you say such a thing? Shengjun, Shang'er must have had unspeakable difficulties, that's why he rejected Princess Yunpin. Princess Yunpin is so beautiful, don't Said to be the prince, as long as there is a normal man in the world, who would not like Princess Yunpin? I beseech the Holy Lord to see clearly!"

Concubine Jin was very happy to see that Feng Ling had taken a fancy to her son.Unexpectedly, in the ecstasy of excitement and enjoying the envious and jealous eyes cast on her by other imperial concubines, Feng Yun's words were like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing the ecstasy in her heart.

At this moment, she is like falling into an ice cellar.

Although she knew that it was not suitable for her to speak now, she couldn't help it.If you miss it, you'll never have the chance.

That is a chance to become the crown prince!

(End of this chapter)

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