Chapter 1223 Drunk
However, the closer he got to Fengling, the more intense the indescribable nausea and nausea became. Even though Long Jue had automatically turned off his sense of smell, the smell so disgusting that his blood boiled still remained. exist.

Just when Long Jue's hand was about to touch Feng Ling's face, that disgusting feeling could no longer be suppressed.


The contents of the stomach were overwhelmed, and before Long Jue's hand touched Feng Ling's cheek, he sprayed it out.

It was sprayed.

Even though Long Jue covered his mouth with his hands in the end, some of the sprayed things still fell from the top of Feng Ling's head like a shower, and some fell on her hair and face.

Looking at the man whose hands were stained with vomit and kept vomiting, Feng Ling was completely dumbfounded.

What about loving her?

It is said that life is his person and death is his ghost?
If you like her so much, why do you still vomit?
Because he had seen Feng Yun vomit before, Feng Ling knew very well that he could smell his own "smell".

But she is really depressed!
Even if she smelled, she had already washed it twice.When she was taking a bath just now, Zhen Zhen didn't even dare to touch a single flower petal, for fear of making him want to vomit after getting some strange fragrance.

As a result, she washed her skin almost to the point of shedding a layer, but he still felt that she stinks and she was disgusting.

"What the hell is wrong with me? You always think I'm smelly and disgusting, but others can't smell the smell at all. Brother Yun, you don't like me if you don't like me. Why do you say you like me? , and dislike me again? Woooooo..."

Long Jue was really drunk.

Seeing Fengling crying so much that the pear blossoms were dewy, he really felt distressed.

Although she had used him and hurt him like that, he couldn't see her cry.

Who told him to witness her birth with his own eyes and grow up with her?Who made the master he respected be her father?

"Don't cry!"

Long Jue stretched out his hand to pull Feng Ling, expressing that he didn't dislike her, but when his hand was about to touch her, the special reaction from his body made Long Jue spit out even more violently, and he couldn't even speak. .

Long Jue was drunk.

Feng Ling was also drunk.

Only Feng Yun, who was far away in a small town on the edge of the Beizhou continent, couldn't help laughing.

Don't you like it?Isn't it love?

Then let's be together!

The two of them can experience the feeling of getting what you want and what you can't love.

Originally, he was worried that his avatar would be spoiled by Long Jue, but now it seems that Long Jue should be the one who was spoiled.

Taking out a jade slip, Feng Yun blew a message directly on it: "Little Tian'er, how are you doing in Dongzhou? Is everything okay in Soul Palace? That is the power I established, and I will It's yours, just treat the Soul Palace as our home, and tell Feichen if you have anything.

Originally, I planned to come back this month, but there is still something to do in Zhongzhou, so I can't come back for the time being.But don't worry, I have already come out of the emperor's palace, and Emperor Qianzhong didn't do anything to me, so I am very safe now, you don't need to worry about me. "

After finishing speaking, Feng Yun began to practice with her eyes closed again.

Now that Long Jue occupies his avatar, he has no way to return to Dongzhou for the time being.

Fortunately, his strength has now reached the height of a ninth-level spiritual master. If he uses the Feng Clan's secret technique, he can be confident in a battle even if his strength is two levels above the peak.

(End of this chapter)

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