My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1224 There is one more level

Chapter 1224 There is another level

Just like Feng Ling, he couldn't detect the depth of her strength at all before, but now that he has reached the ninth level of Lingzun, and looking at Feng Ling, he can already see her strength at a glance.

Feng Ling and Long Jue were comparable in strength before, only slightly weaker than Long Jue, and although the spiritual power that Feng Ling passed to him was wasted, the waste should be less than double.

So according to his preliminary guess, Feng Ling's strength should be about four levels above the peak of Lingzun, and if Long Jue is similar to her, then Long Jue's strength should also be four levels above the peak, no more than five levels at most.

Therefore, in order to defeat Long Jue, he must raise his power to two levels above the peak of Lingzun.

However, Feng Ling said that after he reaches the peak of level nine, Yuan Ling will be activated.

Although I don't know what Yuan Ling is, but after Yuan Ling is activated, Phoenix King and Phoenix Queen will come to pick him up.At that time, wouldn't they be able to deal with a Long Jue and a Feng Ling?
Thinking of this, Feng Yun was also excited.

There is one more level!
For others, it may take dozens or even hundreds of years to improve a level, but he doesn't use it.

He only needs a maximum of two years!
The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and it was still a clear sky outside, but after gradually entering the valley surrounded by white mist, the weather also changed accordingly.

Strips of lightning like silver snakes shuttled through the dense clouds, revealing their fangs and claws, like a beast ready to attack people at any time, admiring the fear of its prey.

After completely entering the white mist area, the entire valley has completely entered the state of night.Only the lightning constantly shuttling through the clouds illuminates the world when it reveals its ferocious head from time to time.

However, in less than a second, the next moment, the whole world entered a boundless darkness again.

"This breath is really evil, the air is full of resentful spirits."

Quan Moying walked in the front, followed by the three deacon guardians of Dragon Curse, Long Xiang and Longyin. After the three major guardians, they were the three elders of the Netherworld and three elders who deserved Quan Moying's trust. elders.

Although there are 8 Supreme Elders and 16 elders in the Nether Realm, because of Cheng Shitian's growth, besides the 9 people he brought with him today, Quan Moying can no longer tell which elders are worthy of his trust.

Those human souls who had been helped by him, respected him as Lord, and came to the Netherworld first like brothers, after they gradually developed and grown, many emotions changed.

Quan Moying didn't understand why people could be so fickle, and he also didn't know why those eyes that looked at him so earnestly after receiving his help turned into twinkling and calculating eyes in the end.

Maybe that's why he doesn't like dealing with humans.

"Lord, this formation should be a large formation that absorbs the souls of strangers. I didn't expect this formation to be in our Netherworld!"

"This is the territory of Pengcheng, and Pengcheng is under the management of Cheng Shitian. Sure enough, Cheng Shitian is behind this incident!"

"Before when Cheng Shitian was in the Lingling Pagoda, his subordinates felt that something was wrong and raised objections. As a result, almost all the elders refuted the subordinates. At that time, the subordinates felt that according to the law of conservation of energy, everything will ebb and flow. , One grows and the other fades, how can the spiritual pagoda gather such a thick spiritual power without wasting any resources?"

 Congratulations to Qidi on the 2nd floor, Naihe Flower from the Other Side on the 7th floor, and Evening Star in the Night Sky on the 12th floor for winning prizes.Please add me q2755579223
(End of this chapter)

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