My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1225 You Are Really Here

Chapter 1225 You Are Really Here

"What is the basis of this spiritual pagoda? Now that I see such a large formation, my subordinates finally understand."

"Elder Qi is right. Everything ebbs and flows. I am afraid that the energy gathered in the pagoda that can quickly increase the spiritual power of phantom spirits and phantom beasts comes from here. This subordinate once entered The spiritual tower, the energy transmitted from the spiritual tower is similar to the energy breath lingering in the air here."

"The subordinates also think so."

"The subordinates also think so."

Quan Moying's face has been dark since she stepped into this territory.

At the beginning, the main god of the Hunyuan Continent gave him the management of the Netherworld. He promised the Lord God that he would manage the Netherworld well. No matter how messy the human world is, the Netherworld will definitely become a pure paradise.

Every phantom and phantom beast that enters the nether world will drink Mengpo soup when entering the nether world, and forget the past.

Every phantom and phantom beast that enters the nether world is as simple and pure as a newborn baby.

He has always been proud of the Netherworld.

Because there are no disgusting foreign monsters here, and there are no intrigues or ulterior motives.

He thought that the Netherworld would always be a pure and clean space.

However, just above this piece of pure land, there is such a large formation that absorbs the souls of strangers.Such a formation can simply be called an evil formation.

However, the evil formation that has never appeared in the human world has now appeared in the clean Netherworld.

Quan Moying felt that she couldn't accept it at all.

Looking at the thick clouds in the sky and the lightning flashes, Quan Moying's eyes became more and more gloomy, and his heart became more and more angry.

He could even see the howls and screams of countless souls in the air after being torn from their bodies.

"My lord, don't be angry. It's not worthwhile to be angry for a bastard like Cheng Shitian. Anyway, we have found the evidence now, and he can't deny it even if he wants to."

"Yes, after we capture Cheng Shitian and make the things he did public, we will destroy the pagoda. After the pagoda is destroyed, these formations will naturally be useless."

"Yes, my lord, you should be glad that we were able to find this thing in such a short period of time."

Seeing that Lord Lord's air pressure had dropped to a certain level, Long Mana, Long Xiang and Long Yin immediately spoke to comfort him.

"Cheng Shitian, come out! The deity is already here, why do you need to hide?"

Quan Moying's words made the three Long family brothers and six elders frown.

Cheng Shitian?
He's here?

Except for the lord, they and Cheng Shitian are both at the level of the eighth-level spiritual master. Why didn't they feel the presence of the other party?
"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

A burst of sinister laughter resounded from all directions in the valley. It was clearly just a person's laughter, but people couldn't tell where the sound came from.

Everyone frowned even deeper.

"Quan Moying, you really came... you really came... you came... you..."

Cheng Shitian's gloomy voice echoed from all directions, making one's hair stand on end.

"My lord, be careful, something is wrong here." The voices of the six elders reminded them nervously.

"This deity is indeed here to take you, a scum of the netherworld. If you have the guts, get out and fight with this deity. Hiding on the sidelines and pretending to be a ghost, although this is your trick that Cheng Shitian can use, but anyway, this is also your life and death battle. This deity still hopes that you can be a man even once!"

(End of this chapter)

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