My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1227 Terrifying Formation

Chapter 1227 Terrifying Formation
"Cheng Shitian, you have entered the nether world for so long, right? Every phantom and phantom beast that enters the nether world, the lord will tell them personally, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground, and will tell everyone here, cultivation is not the best The most important thing is to cultivate the soul and cultivate the xinxing. If this is the case, why do you need so many spiritual masters in the underworld? Fighting in groups?"

A Supreme Elder couldn't stand it any longer, and yelled at him.

"Hehe. Cultivate your mind! When I was alive, I didn't become a monk. How can I cultivate my mind after I die?"

"So you create such an evil formation, extract the souls of living people, disrupt the order of the two worlds, and create hatred and troubles between the two worlds. Is this what you yearn for?"

"What I yearn for is strength! When I was still a human being, I yearn for strength, and I still yearn for it now."

"A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. You are plundering and plundering, and you are disrupting order. And this deity can't tolerate people like you who disrupt order!"

After all, Quan Moying stopped talking nonsense with Cheng Shitian.Although Cheng Shitian's words always echoed from all directions, people couldn't tell where he was.But Quan Moying still accurately found out the current location while speaking.

The sound of "Boom—" resounded through the sky, and a dark blue mushroom cloud exploded from the ground, forming a huge dark blue mushroom cloud in the sky.

The faint blue light directly crushed everything in the valley at an overwhelming speed.

Seeing this, everyone immediately flew up to protect their bodies with spiritual power.

And that big formation that sucked the souls of strangers was instantly wiped out in the explosion that filled the sky.

Cheng Shitian's figure also appeared in the air at this moment.

He has only one person, but Quan Moying has 10 people.Except that Quan Moying is stronger than him, everyone else is about the same strength as him.

This was a fight that was sure to win, but Cheng Shitian, who was most hesitant about his life on weekdays, was not afraid at all in the face of the encirclement and suppression by the other nine people, and there was even a wicked smile of a successful plot in his eyes.

Quan Moying frowned slightly, sensed the atmosphere around her, and instantly changed her complexion.

"No, withdraw!"

Although I don't know what kind of aura is emanating from the surroundings at this moment, the divine beast is naturally extremely sensitive to dangerous auras.

Just now, the air here was filled with resentful spirits because of the soul-absorbing formation, which affected his judgment on this place.

Now that the formation that absorbs the living soul has been blown up by him, and when the resentful spirit gradually dissipated, he felt a more terrifying aura.

No wonder he felt a little palpitating when he entered this formation.

It turned out that this was actually the huge pit that Cheng Shitian led him to jump into.

The expressions of the other nine people changed when they heard Quan Moying's shout. Although they didn't know what happened, they immediately retreated with the lord at the fastest speed.

However, the next moment, everyone's faces changed instantly.Because they feel that their soul power is gradually disappearing at a terrifying speed.

They were eighth-level Spiritual Venerables just a moment ago, and they became seventh-level Spiritual Venerables within a kilometer after flying out, followed by sixth-level Spiritual Venerables...

Everyone was horrified, they couldn't figure out what was going on, they just felt that their soul power was being absorbed by an invisible and huge suction force in the sky, and their levels were also dropping rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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