My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1228 Ambition

Chapter 1228 Ambition
"Cheng Shitian, I will date your ancestors!"

A Taishang elder who was at the peak of the eighth level couldn't help but yelled at him while running for his life.

But Cheng Shitian, who was standing a few kilometers away behind them, sneered and suddenly disappeared in place.

When he suddenly appeared the next moment, he had already blocked the path of the elder who scolded him.


With a muffled sound, the Supreme Elder whose strength had fallen to the fifth-level Lingzun was directly sent flying by Cheng Shitian's palm.

Cheng Shitian was not in a hurry to chase other people, but slowly chased after the shadow of the elder who flew upside down.

He watched helplessly as his body collided with the wall of a mountain, knocking out a big hole in the mountain wall that almost entered the clouds.

All of a sudden, the mountains followed with a dull sound and rumbling shaking.

Sand and rocks were flying between the mountain walls, and the Supreme Elder sank in with his whole body.

Cheng Shitian waved his sleeves, following the traces of his sleeves, a touch of gold appeared in the sky.

The golden light slanted down, and the hard mountain was cut off like a piece of soft tofu in front of Cheng Shitian.

A whole piece of the mountain has been cut off, and what is exposed is the halfway up the mountain.The head of the Supreme Elder was exposed together with the halfway up the mountain and turned into a mountain peak.

Only at the moment his head has no hair.

It can be seen that Cheng Shitian's swipe was precise just now. If he cut one centimeter less, the hair of the Supreme Elder would not fall out. If he cut one centimeter more, the Supreme Elder would have turned into a dead person at this moment.

Looking at the terrified eyes of the other party, Cheng Shitian showed a satisfied smile.

"Seeing that there are no old things, this is what you said that strength is useless. For you souls who sit back and relax and don't think about making progress, don't you particularly hate the way this deity looks down on you now?
But so what?You hate me, but you can't kill me!This deity likes to sing the opposite of himself the most, and finally reduced to what you are now.You look bald, really ugly! "

The Supreme Elder was really terrified. After all, he was a dead soul, and he had already let go of the strife in the world and returned to the netherworld. He just wanted to be a happy soul.So he didn't become a phantom of human beings, but stayed in the nether world to enjoy spiritual life.So he never thought that one day he would be killed.

Facing the catastrophe that may appear at any time, the face of the Supreme Elder turned pale with fright.The water of spiritual power on the forehead kept flowing down, and it couldn't be stopped.

"Do you know how this large formation was formed? This large formation is the embryonic form of the power of the spiritual tower. But anyone who has entered the spiritual tower, whether it is a phantom spirit or a phantom beast, is under the control of me, Cheng Shitian.

It's a pity that you were so opposed to Quan Moying at the beginning, but in the end you didn't destroy the spiritual tower of the deity. Now the energy of the spiritual tower has basically stabilized. For those of you who have entered the spiritual tower, within the range of the energy of the spiritual tower, I will Killing you is as simple as killing an ant.

And when you die, all the energy in your body will be transferred to the deity.If the deity can't keep up with you, you don't need to practice, and your strength can leap to the peak of the spirit deity!
At that time, not to mention the Netherworld, even the entire human world, no one will be my opponent, Cheng Shitian!Ha ha ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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