Chapter 1229
The Supreme Elder was almost pissed off by Cheng Shitian.

" lunatic! Not only do you want to rule the entire Netherworld, but you also want to rule the entire human world!"

This is simply a deranged war element!

Cheng Shitian smiled: "Why is it crazy to want to be the master of the world? Are those monsters from outside the region wanting to occupy this continent? Aren't they crazy? Since there are so many crazy people in this world, why can't I, Cheng Shitian?" ?”

The Supreme Elder opened his mouth, facing the other party who acted like I was about to rule the entire universe, he was speechless.

I want to ask, are you not tired of ruling so many?He was too tired to be a grand elder.But after thinking about it, the elder still didn't speak in the end.

Seeing that the Supreme Elder who always contradicted him stopped talking, Cheng Shitian was suddenly bored, and raised his hand to chop off his head.

Cheng Shitian waved his hand down, the Supreme Elder had no strength to resist, so he could only close his eyes.

After talking for so long, at this moment his spiritual power has dropped to the level of the Lan Linghuang, and it is impossible to fight against Cheng Shitian anymore.


A faint blue light passed by and collided with the golden light. Although it failed to disperse the golden light immediately, it also deflected it.

The sharp edge barely brushed the neck of the Supreme Elder, leaving a thin bloodstain.

Light-colored translucent spiritual power surged out from the Taishang Elder's neck.The Supreme Elder only uttered three words before disappearing into ashes: "Lord, let's go!"

Quan Moying held her own weapon, her hands trembling slightly, the spiritual power in her arms slowly gathered in her hands, and slowly healed the scars on her hands that had been split from the tiger's mouth.

He had exhausted all his strength for that blow just now, but he couldn't resist Cheng Shitian's understatement.

Cheng Shitian looked at Quan Moying with a smile, and said with a smile: "You should have acted earlier. If you act earlier, maybe he won't die."

"You don't need to say this to this deity. The spirit-leading formation is a very evil formation. It can quickly suck up a person's soul. Therefore, no matter whether the deity does it or not, anyone who has entered the spirit tower, as long as they are in this Under the formation, you can absorb the spiritual power as you please."

Cheng Shitian smiled happily: "It's no wonder that it's a divine beast, even though it's already dead, it still knows so much."

"The spirit-leading formation is an evil formation prohibited by the heavens, a formation that even gods cannot arrange. How do you know it? Who taught you?"

When Cheng Shitian heard this, he laughed loudly: "It seems that you, a dead beast, really know a lot! Yes, yes, the formation that I have set up now is indeed called the Great Spiritual Formation, and it is an extremely heaven-defying formation. Array.

More than 500 years ago, I was originally a genius disciple of Xuantian Sect, but after I went out to perform a mission with the head master, I was unable to make any further progress for the rest of my life because of injuries that damaged my meridians.

At that time, I had already entered the level of Lingzun, and I was about to become the youngest elder of the outer sect of the Xuantian sect, and I was very likely to become the head of the Xuantian sect in the future.But because of my injury, I couldn't improve my strength any more, so they deprived me of the qualification to become an elder of the outer sect.Even my head master re-selected a personal disciple to re-teach.

But there is no such thing as an absolute path.Just when I entered the trough of my life, I met a fairy at the foot of a mountain..."

 Buildings, in order, the 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors are the winning readers.It is invalid for disciples below and repeated building.

(End of this chapter)

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