My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1241 Tsundere Nether Lord

Chapter 1241 Tsundere Nether Lord

Thinking of this, Quan Moying felt very angry.

"I don't know what the Lord God is up to. Why did you give my fairy artifact to that grandson!"


Everyone is silent.

"Then how can we break the spirit-leading array?" Ling Tian asked.

"do not know."

Both Moying and Feichen shook their heads blankly.

Ling Tian was stunned: "Aren't you all gods who came down from the sky? Why don't you know?"

"We don't specialize in the study of formations! Don't you know that this is very strange?"

Quan Moying choked Ling Tian. Originally, Ling Tian wanted to return it, but thinking of the tragic experience that someone's lair was occupied by others, he finally decided to keep Kou De and not talk about him.

"Then what are you going to do about this?"

Quan Moying took a surprised look at Ling Tian who not only didn't scold him but cared about him, thought for a moment and said, "Go get us some roasted wings."




Everyone was speechless.

What kind of divine turn is this?

"After eating the roasted wings, I feel better, maybe I can think of a way."

When life and death were at stake just now, Quan Moying thought of grilled wings, which shows how attractive this thing is to him.

"...Alright then, let me make you some grilled wings."

"And Huoxiang small yellow croaker!" Quan Moying couldn't help but add another dish.


However, Ling Tian was stunned as soon as he took a step, and looked at Fei Chen: "Where will we live in the future?"

Feichen: ...! !

"Elder Dong, Elder Yuan, Elder Rong, although you are not the cabinet elders of our Soul Palace, you have been in the Soul Palace for hundreds of years. Even the shortest Elder Rong has already stayed in the Soul Palace for a long time. 137 years have passed.

Not to mention that the five cabinet elders came to the Soul Palace only 20 years ago. As soon as they came, the Elder Pavilion was divided into a cabinet and an outer cabinet. You who have made great contributions to the Soul Palace are no match for those few cabinet elders. Became the elders of the outer cabinet, and were excluded from the core members. Let’s say Li Tian and Li Bai, they are only fighters of the Huang Lingsheng level. How can they become the existence of the deputy hall master above the elders?

Back then, no matter how high the status of the five cabinet elders was, their strength was there, which left everyone speechless.But why are Li Tian and Li Bai two people?Is it because they are the lord's brother-in-law?Don't you know what kind of person the Lord is?Even if there is a woman by his side, how could he do this because of a mere woman?Even if he could do this for this woman, but Li Tian and Li Bai want some dandies who don't care, how could he hand over the Soul Palace to those two people to dictate? "

In a tea house, the fragrance of tea is lingering. In a private room, Ji Qingfu, the former maiden in purple, is making tea with her own hands, while analyzing the current situation eloquently.

The reason why it is called the original purple-clothed saint is that Ziyi tried to use the love potion to harm the Lord Shang Fengyun that day, but the harm failed and he was raped. Ye Chuchen blew all the love potion that might shake the spirit venerable into her nose.

In order to save his life, the palace lord Mengcheng found a man for Ji Qingfu who liked her and could not care about her, and they had a good time with her for three days and three nights.

As a result, the first thing Ji Qingfu did after the medicine wore off was to pierce his sword through the heart of this man who did not dislike her, and had been happy with her for three days and three nights in order to save her.

(End of this chapter)

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