My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1242 Provocation

Chapter 1242 Provocation
This man is a cabinet disciple of the Hall of Souls, and Ji Qingfu's behavior simply offended everyone.Because of her special status, Mengcheng Nian didn't kill her, but ordered someone to beat her up.After that, even if Ji Qingfu used the best pill, he still had to lie down for two full months before he recovered.

But her title of saint was canceled because of this.

So she hated in her heart, hated that Li Tian and Li Bai's senior sister robbed her man, hated that Li Bai blew the medicine powder on her body, so that she would never have the chance to be the Lord again.He hated even more that his status as a high-ranking saint was revoked.

Now she is no longer a saint who is second only to the elders, but just an ordinary inner disciple of the Soul Palace.

Although countless people want to join the Soul Palace and take pride in being a disciple of the Soul Palace, especially an inner disciple, she is definitely not included in the people here.

She is a relative of the emperor in Dongzhou, even if her identity cannot be revealed, she still exists like a noble lady, can she be compared with ordinary people in Dongzhou?

But because of the existence of Li Tian and Li Bai, two slut juniors, she was made into such a state, how could she swallow this breath?
Opposite Ji Qingfu sat the three outer cabinet elders of the Hall of Souls—Dong Yun, Yuan Jianzhong and Rong Yu.

The complexions of these three people were faintly black. When Ji Qingfu placed three cups of tea in front of them, all three of them picked up the cups one after another and drank the tea inside.

"Although I have been sick in bed for the past two months, Qing Fu has heard about the three elders. The three elders have other properties in Dongzhou, but your property has been destroyed within these two months. There are very few people left.”

The three elders didn't say much since they entered the door, but from the increasingly dark faces, it could be seen that the relationship between the three of them and Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen had also reached a very bad level.

Ji Qingfu grabbed the three people's sore feet and stomped on them.

"It's true that it's wrong for you to use the resources of the Soul Palace to do your own thing. The Palace Master has given repeated orders not to allow such a situation to happen. However, even a weak woman like me understands the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. , Could it be that the Palace Master doesn't understand?

Since he abides by the rules of the Soul Palace so much, he should lead by example!Everyone in Soul Hall knows what Li Tian and Li Bai are.With their strength, how can they sit on the throne of the deputy head of the Soul Palace?Why can you override the elders?His act of being stricter with others than himself, really broke the hearts of all Soul Hall members! "

After finishing speaking, Ji Qingfu poured tea for the three elders.

The three of them still drank the tea in one gulp, it can be seen that the anger in their hearts is actually no less than hers.

After drinking several cups of tea, Dong Yun slowly opened his mouth and said: "The Soul Palace is the Lord's Soul Palace, and the Palace Master is only managing it on behalf of the Lord. To put it bluntly, the Lord wants to be willful, and the Palace Master can't control it. Qingfu It’s fine for the girl to come out to us today to complain and complain, but in the Hall of Souls, don’t do stupid things anymore, lest it’s yourself who suffers. Look at Hongyu, Miss Qingfu must be content now!”

Thinking of the suffering he and Hongyu had suffered, Ji Qingfu almost gritted his silver teeth.After secretly cursing Dong Yun as an old fox, a smile appeared on his face.

"The properties of the three elders have been destroyed by those two people. Don't you feel angry in your heart? Don't you have the idea of ​​getting rid of those two people?"

(End of this chapter)

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