My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1247 Sisters Gather

Chapter 1247 Sisters Gather
Under Hongyu's training, Ji Qingfu, who is the most brainless, is so difficult to deal with.

"Qingfu, Hua Lixiao is Hongyu's rival in love, and has nothing to do with you. To put it bluntly, Hongyu will definitely be killed by the Lord after doing those things. Why do you have to cooperate with her?" ? Now she just depends on you to live."

"Elder Dong, you don't need to persuade me anymore. It's useless to persuade me. In this matter, you either kill Hua Lixiao together, or we continue to bury our heads in life and let others bully. Anyway, I have nothing, so I don't want to give up." As for what's lost. So take whatever you want.

I'm not talking about you, the three of you will either learn from Elder Qu and Elder Qi, and listen to everything from Soul Palace, even if Soul Palace regards you as outsiders and never allows you to touch core things, you still trust Soul Palace and support Soul Palace Dian, upright and upright, never favoritism for oneself.Either you kill all three of them, and everyone is happy.And I will naturally cooperate with the three elders unconditionally.Having said all that, the three elders should take a good look at it.We probably can't discuss anything today. If the three elders are free, they can find a way to make an appointment with me. "

This time, it was Ji Qingfu who stood up and left.

Seeing this, the three of them knew that Ji Qingfu would not back down, so they stopped her.

"Hey, Qingfu, you are still too young to be used by Hongyu. It's okay, anyway, we are just making a move in this matter, and you are the ones in charge. So we won't have anything Psychological burden. If you must kill Hua Lixiao, then we will help you kill it. But those should go through the process, and we'd better finish it as soon as possible."

Ji Qingfu, who had reached an agreement, finally smiled.

"Naturally, let's do it tonight. Tonight in Houshan, we will go through the procedures of the two versions, so that the three elders will not be embarrassed when they do things."

"Okay. But Hua Lixiao is the wife of Generalissimo Xizhou. Her safety is under the watchful eye of Xizhou people. Although we promised to help you kill people, if Hua Lixiao is always protected by experts, we can't fight Do you want to kill her with your own life? This is no different from hitting a stone with an egg."

"Don't worry about this. Hua Lixiao followed Gu Qianchou to participate in the Three Continents Competition, and will stay here for a long time, so there is definitely a time to separate. As long as they separate, it is your chance. Hongyu and I still have a chance. Some people can use it, as long as Hua Liming and Gu Qianchou arrive, our people will follow them as soon as possible.

I learned from Li Tian and Li Bai that they have a very good relationship with each other, so there must be a time when Hua Lixiao left Gu Qianchou and Li Tian and Li Bai to meet alone, and that time is the best time for you to attack. Chance. "

"Okay. In short, you are responsible for everything. We are only responsible for killing people."

"It's natural."

After the four people quickly reached a consensus, Elder Dong and the three left first. After more than a quarter of an hour, Ji Qingfu also hurried away with a veil.

It was less than a cup of tea after the four of them left. Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen, Mu Hun, Quan Moying and the three Long brothers stepped into this teahouse and entered the place where Ji Qingfu and the others were just now. The elegant room next to it.

Originally, Mu Hun wanted to set up an enchantment immediately, but felt that there was already an enchantment here, so he gave up.

(End of this chapter)

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