My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1248 The Three Bad Sisters

Chapter 1248 The Three Bad Sisters

"Little Tianer! Little Chener!"


The three sisters yelled out almost at the same time.The next moment, the three of them hugged tightly and hugged each other.


"Xiao Tian'er, Xiao Chen'er! I miss you so much!"

"We miss you too!"

The three of them grew up together and did everything together.This is the first time in 20 years that the three of them have been separated for such a long time.

Doing the math, they have been separated for a whole year since time travel.

During this year, they each had their own encounters, and there were too many things they wanted to say. The three of them felt that when they saw each other, there would be countless things to say, even if they talked for ten days and ten nights. not finished.

But when they really got together, everything was unspoken.

A tight hug, a thousand words are already in it.

Because the space system of Huahua and Sayoko is shared, even though the three of them are in different regions, they can also use the shared space to send messages at any time, so the three sisters know how each other is doing and the general situation. of.

"When does that bitch decide to fuck us?"

Enough hugs, Ye Chuchen was the first to break the silence.

"It hasn't been said yet, they will go through the process first tonight, and someone will use a mirror symbol to record the process of them going through the process twice."

Ye Chuchen raised a smirk: "Then let's use another mirror image tonight to record all the processes they went through twice. When it's their turn to argue, that scene will definitely be fun!"

"I agree." Ling Tian seconded.

Hua Lixiao looked at the two junior sisters who were still incomparably unrestrained, her eyes were filled with the tenderness and love of being an older sister.

Although Hua Lixiao is only 2 years older than Xiao Tian'er and 3 years older than Xiao Chen'er, but because her master is a complete rough man, Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Chen'er almost grew up under the care of Hua Liming .So in the face of the two younger sisters who escaped, as the elder sister, Hua Lixiao's temperament is much more calm.

Lovingly rubbing the heads of Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen, Hua Lixiao said with a smile: "It's up to you. Do whatever you want, let's go together."

"Okay!" Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen agreed happily.

"Why are Ji Qingfu and those elders so careless? Discussing such a big matter, don't you understand that walls have ears?"

Ling Tian was also drunk, he didn't expect Ji Qingfu and those elders to discuss how to kill them in front of Hua Lixiao and Gu Junyan.

Hua Lixiao couldn't help but burst out laughing when she thought of this.

"Jun Yan and I came here first to wait for you guys. But not long after we sat in, we felt a sense of coercion. We came earlier from Dongzhou Continent, and no one else knew about it. So it was inevitable that the other party could feel our aura, so Qianchou used an enchantment to cover the aura of both of us.

Those people are not stupid, they set up an enchantment when they spoke.But their strength is not as high as Qianqiu Gao, so we can still hear what they said clearly.After hearing that, I will contact you as soon as possible and ask you to come later. "

"Then you must have recorded them with mirror symbols?"

"What do you think? Wouldn't it be a waste if this kind of full-time cheating thing is not used here?"

"Ahahaha... Huahua, you're so rotten and rotten!"

(End of this chapter)

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